Posthuman Studies Hub The Official Homepage for Beyond …

Posted: August 10, 2016 at 9:05 pm

The 9th Beyond Humanism Conferencewill take place at John Cabot University in Rome from the 20th of July until the 22nd of July 2017.

Posthuman Studies Humanities, Metahumanities,

Keynote Speaker: Sven Helbig(

CFP(Call for Papers)

Posthuman Studies Humanities, Metahumanities, Posthumanities

Papers can be presented which analyse what it is to be human in an age of rapid technological, scientific, cultural and social evolution. As the boundaries between human and the other, technological, biological and environmental, are eroded and perceptions of normalcy are challenged, they have generated a range of ethical, philosophical, cultural, and artistic questions. Drawing on theory from critical posthumanism and the normative reflections of transhumanism the conference will encourage constructive but rigorously critical dialogue.

Conference papers can be on issues such as the consequences of enhancement, especially bioenhancement, transhumanist, and posthumanist accounts of the human, and any and all ways in which they impact culture and society. The conference organizers encourage submissions from a range of disciplines such as: philosophy, sociology, literary studies, cultural studies, critical theory, media studies, bioethics, medical ethics, anthropology, religious studies, disability studies, gender studies, queer studies, critical animal studies, environmental studies, and the visual arts.

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Posthuman Studies Hub The Official Homepage for Beyond ...

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