Post-Human by David Simpson –

Posted: April 4, 2016 at 1:40 am

Bridget Graham like you've never seen her before. I want to say something about Bridget's talent. For whatever the clout I currently have in filmmaking is worth, I wish Hollywood productions would recognize this relatively undiscovered but supremely talented actor. Yes, she's been amazing in the parts she's had, but I've seen first hand how great this leading lady in waiting actually is. Case in point, after meeting with her for several hours last night about a secret horror/...psychological film project for which only Bridget, Jenny, and I know the story, she offered to screen test on the spot. We couldn't resist, because we knew what the screen test entailed. The character suffers from a serious mental disorder and the moment she was offering to portray was the moment when the character hits rock bottom. We knew Bridget had always been able to do anything she promised before, but we couldn't fathom that she could pull this off with so little notice. Five minutes before this, Bridget looked like the girl you all know and love, smiling and being enthusiastic and joking with Jenny. Then, after her offer, while she got ready in the washroom, we grabbed our camera and set up. Bridget emerged from the washroom having completely and mesmerizingly transformed into the character. She was crying, homicidal, hurt but also raging, and Jenny and I were in awe. I'm writing this because I know you all love Bridget, but also because this is a public post, and I know there's a chance someone with a film project in the works that can let Bridget shine will read this, and it's about time for the world to see how incredible she is. I ask only one thing in return, which is that you let me have her back for my movies! In the meantime, I'm happy to keep having access to seriously the most talented actress I've ever seen! From Jenny and I, thank you, Bridget and thank you, tribe for helping to make all of our dreams come true!

See the article here:
Post-Human by David Simpson -

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