Pistols Mostly on Train To Catch – Crysis 2 (Serious) – Video

Posted: November 5, 2012 at 10:41 pm

Pistols Mostly on Train To Catch - Crysis 2 (Serious)
Nova 12 and AY69 + explosives on the campaign stage "Train to Catch" in Crysis 2 singleplayer. Post Human Warrior setting! The colour in this video i call: "Super Polar Saturation" edit #39; #39; #39; http://www.youtube.com #12469; #12502; #12473; #12463; #12521; #12452; #12502; #12375; #12289; #12456; #12467; #12540; #12523; #12398; #19968; #20154; #12395; #12394; #12387; #12390; #12367; #12428; #12290; twitter.com #12522; #12540; #12480; #12540; #12434; #12501; #12457; #12525; #12540; #12290; ichnieveris.deviantart.com soundcloud.com (-)Watch Follow Get Invited(-) Comment Support / Tweet! #12467; #12513; #12531; #12488; #12420; #27671; #12395; #20837; #12426; #30331; #37682; #12395; #24863; #35613; #12375; #12414; #12377; #12290; http://www.youtube.com Playlists #12290; #39; #39; #39; #39; #39; #39; Tags: People Blogs Pistol Only GameplayFrom:UltimeciaKnightViews:7 0ratingsTime:19:05More inGaming

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Pistols Mostly on Train To Catch - Crysis 2 (Serious) - Video

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