Stark voters had some interesting write-in choices for president

Posted: November 12, 2012 at 11:42 pm

What do Barack Obama, Mitt Romney and Eric Cartman, the foul-mouthed and a politically incorrect school-age boy on the animated TV series South Park, have in common?

All three received votes for president in Stark County.

While Obama and Romney were the biggest vote-getters in this years election, five minor party candidates combined to gather more than 3,000 votes locally.

And, an even smaller number of voters actually took time to write or type the name of someone else.

Depending on your point of view, the selections were insightful, radical, silly or just plain dumb.

These according to actual ballots cast in the county on Tuesday are among the 242 write-ins, broken down by make-believe categories:

The messiah vote, a combined seven ballots for Jesus Christ, God, God and Jesus :), and YHWH.

The athlete vote, one apiece for race car driving icon Richard Petty, Pro Football Hall of Famer Emmitt Smith, Browns kicker Phil Dawson and New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow.

The cartoon/puppet vote, included Tigger, Mickey Mouse, Cookie Monster, Donald Duck and three for Cartman.

The comedian vote, ballots for Lewis Black, Jay Leno, Bill Cosby and Jon Stewart.

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Stark voters had some interesting write-in choices for president

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