Politically incorrect and proud of it – Ripon Commonwealth Press – Ripon Commonwealth Press

Posted: May 4, 2017 at 2:47 pm

Jake Jacobs, a high school history teacher, spoke passionately to Ripon College students and community members about how Americas Judeo-Christian heritage and values are coming under fire from political correctness.

Political correctness is not new, and is thriving in America today.

So said Jake Jacobs, a history teacher from Lourdes Academy who spoke at Ripon College last week.

Efforts to direct speech and attitudes, particularly as they relate to Americas Judeo-Christian heritage, have been around for centuries, said Jacobs, whose talk was sponsored by the Ripon College Young Americans for Freedom chapter.

You think PC is something new today? he asked an audience of about 30 people in East Halls Kresge Little Theatre last week Wednesday afternoon.

Political correctness has been around since the beginning when mankind tried to be free from the oppression of other people around them, he said. Political correctness is controlling of other people, demanding that you think the way they think. Man has long since the beginning of time, [desired] to be free from that control.

Jacobs stressed historical correctness must be relied on in the face of politically correct intimidation by the academic establishment.

In many cases political correctness is predicated upon bogus or bad history or certain kernels of truth that are distorted into creating a controlled, politically correct environment, he said.

Read the full story in the May 4, 2017 edition of the Ripon Commonwealth Press.

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Politically incorrect and proud of it - Ripon Commonwealth Press - Ripon Commonwealth Press

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