Politically incorrect

Posted: September 29, 2012 at 4:13 am

To some, they stand for everything thats wrong with the automotive world. Others covet such excess. A lucky few can afford them. Politically incorrect cars are the ones that some people love to hate. But really, what is a politically correct car?

Some believe it to be and marketers like to tell us a car thats kind to the environment and/or an efficient use of Mother Natures precious resources.

But the only true PC car if we follow this logic to extremes is a bicycle or a pair of walking shoes.

So, having attempted to make us all feel some level of guilt, hopefully we can now feel a little less shameful about our secret desires for what the haves drive in our have-not world.


We all know Mercedes-Benz makes luxury cars and that theyre a little more expensive than run-of-the-mill runabouts.

But some models make even Mercedes customers raise an eyebrow. The CL coupe is as big and heavy as the companys flagship S-Class sedan (they share underpinnings) but has only two doors and four seats (although the back two, in practice, rarely carry more than a briefcase or overnight bag).

So it could be argued, then, that a twin-turbo 6.0-litre V12 under the nose of a five-metreplus length of metal, rubber and glass might be a touch of overkill to move one or two people around. Even Mercedes-Benz seems to think so: the CL65 AMG is an order-only vehicle. Just two have been sold locally in the past 12 months. The $519,250 price-tag (plus on-road costs) might have a bit to do with that.

The official fuel economy figure for this vehicle is 14.5 litres per 100 kilometres. But if youre looking at the ratings before you place an order, youre probably in the wrong showroom.

More popular is the slightly more affordable (and only marginally less powerful and less thirsty) twinturbo 5.5-litre V8-powered CL63 AMG a relative snip at $423,300. In the past year or so, only six of these have been sold.

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Politically incorrect

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