My Pro Constitution Pro American Anti-Tyrannical Solution to School Shootings. – Video

Posted: December 18, 2012 at 10:42 pm

My Pro Constitution Pro American Anti-Tyrannical Solution to School Shootings.
This is why I will never be elected governor! Asking the people and the citizens of my state of Tennessee to participate in their own defense and the raising of their children is just too politically incorrect. How hard would it be for a retired vet to sit in his car across from the schoolhouse and read a book listen to the radio, if he #39;s a ham and he can talk to others even play on the Internet. Chances are that is all he would have to do! The simple knowledge spread to the general public that there is a retired vet with a high-powered rifle watching and waiting for ninja nut job to come and make his day? The simple fact that ninja nut job knows that he will probably get his ass shot off before he even gets in the front door will stop 99.9% of the shooting. There you have it we use the Constitution we use the second amendment and the state of Tennessee holds its volunteer state status. All this without costing the taxpayers anything in fact probably saving the taxpayers money. By the way did anybody hear about the stabbings that happened in the school the same day ninja nut job boy shot the 18 schoolchildren? Apparently not here is the news release: 22 CHILDREN STABBED AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL December 14, 2012 at 2:20 pm A knife-wielding man injured 22 children and one adult outside a primary school in central China as students were arriving for classes Friday, police said, the latest in a series of periodic rampage attacks at schools and kindergartens. (May be the Chinese ...From:dsarti1Views:1117 122ratingsTime:14:46More inPeople Blogs

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My Pro Constitution Pro American Anti-Tyrannical Solution to School Shootings. - Video

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