More politically incorrect costumes for CU's list

Posted: October 31, 2013 at 5:41 am

Halloween and the University of Colorado have always been an explosive combination, dating back to the raging parties that used to take place on the Pearl Street Mall. This year, in a memo posted online, the university asked students to be careful of "stereotypical and offensive" costumes. "As a CU Buff, making the choice to dress up as someone from another culture, either with the intention of being humorous or without the intention of being disrespectful, can lead to inaccurate and hurtful portrayals of other peoples' cultures," the memo said, before singling out blackface, sombreros, serapes, geishas, Indian "squaws," white trash, ghetto, hillbillies and prostitutes.

And it's a nice sentiment, but one that sounds a little funny coming from an institution that has a tendency to embarrass itself without any help from its students, including recent charges of, yes, racism, after the firing of head football coach Jon Embree. But the guy who leveled those charges, former coach Bill McCartney, has a few Halloween skeletons in his own closet which is why he kicks off our list of offensive and politically incorrect costumes that will probably not make it onto CU's approved list.

Bill McCartney

Ward Churchill costume.

Bill McCartney costume.

Chip the gangsta mascot costume.

Bill McCartney, who founded the Promise Keepers, a right-wing Christian men's group, was a football hero, but he had a little trouble focusing on his own family; his daughter had a baby with star quarterback Sal Aunese (who died of cancer in 1989). This story had many tragic twists to it, but McCartney continues to prattle on. A costume would include a Buffs gold tie, a black V-neck sweater vest, a Bible and a "No girls allowed" sign.

Ward Churchill

Churchill is the former CU professor of ethnic studies who wrote an essay after 9/11 in which he said that the attacks were a result of U.S. policy and called those employed in the World Trade Center "little Eichmanns." But Churchill had other problems, including accusations of plagiarism and research misconduct, for which he was fired in 2007. Many lawsuits and court dates later, it was ruled that CU was allowed to can Churchill, who also claimed Native American ancestry. A costume would include his trademark long, straight hair, a fake Indian headdress and a Nazi SS outfit.

Chip the gangsta mascot

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More politically incorrect costumes for CU's list

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