LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Trump’s personal conduct grievous, disgusting – Muskogee Daily Phoenix

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 3:29 pm

Marsha Wiseman,


Regarding the 12/26/20 editorial in this newspaper by Steve Fair, the chairman of the 4th district of the Oklahoma Republican Party in which he proclaims that Donald Trumps politically incorrect no clutch full speed ahead style is fruitful and that is why candidates are copying his tactics.

Help me out here Mr. Fair: so those candidates are standing proudly by a president who throws out bait words to white extremists (stand down Proud Boys?); publicly mocked a reporter with a disability (watch the video yourself and please, offer a defense); used 'blood coming out of her wherever' about a female reporter; praised a congressman who body-slammed a reporter; and referred to immigrants from sh**hole countries.

These vulgarities are fruitful?No, this is conduct unbecoming of any human being, but even more so the POTUS. His self-obsessed, have-to-be-the-greatest words and actions have disgraced the office he holds, and it is equally disgusting for any politician to stand by him, mutely or otherwise. Lets debate the good and bad of Republican versus Democratic platforms or values, but the personal conduct of this president is far more grievous and disgusting than politically incorrect.We deserve so much better from our president and from all elected officials.

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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Trump's personal conduct grievous, disgusting - Muskogee Daily Phoenix

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