LETTER: Some politically incorrect New Year’s resolutions

Posted: December 30, 2013 at 12:42 pm

My New Years resolutions lack political correctness and may offend others. Thank God for the freedom we have to be offended.

1) I will delete any FWD: messages unless I am expecting them. I dont have time for recycled, non-humorous jokes and news stories. By the time I get an email FWD: Ive already heard it several times. Mom, I love you dearly, but this applies to you too.

2) I will delete e-blessings. I believe God will bless me as He sees fit and not because I forward this email to ten people in the next 15 minutes. How ridiculous. I will pray for all of you to receive blessings when you dont forward me those silly emails. If you really want to bless me then come to church with me.

3) I will delete support the troops emails. I support the troops every day and I always will regardless of whether or not I break the chain. I am an American who appreciates the sacrifices made by our troops. Praying for them will do more than a forwarded email. Approach service members you see, shake their hands, and thank them for their service personally. No email on earth can match the feeling of gratitude youll see in their eyes! Teach your kids this too.

4) I will always return phone calls personally. I much prefer a personal conversation to the PC screen. People can call me if its that funny or that important.

Happy New Year!


See the article here:
LETTER: Some politically incorrect New Year's resolutions

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