Hosting a TV show like riding a bike for Chelmsford man

Posted: November 16, 2012 at 9:41 pm

Carmen Christiano has hosted more than 300 episodes of his Politically Incorrect show on Chelmsford public-access TV. He's also an avid cyclist, putting more miles on his bike this year than on his car. SUN/David H. Brow

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CHELMSFORD -- If you're a Chelmsford resident who knows Carmen Christiano, it's likely from the public-access show he hosts, Politically Incorrect With Carmen Christiano.

You may also know him because he has been a Town Meeting representative for 18 years, or through his involvement in so many aspects of the town, from the Historical Society to the Art Society to the public library. Or you might have seen him biking on the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, a healthy habit he picked up after surviving a heart attack in July 2011.

Christiano, 64, grew up in Waterbury, Conn., before moving to Lowell in 1973 to work at Hanscom Air Force Base. He briefly went to theological school before turning back to business. He worked for Textron Systems Corp. for more than 13 years as a contract manager.

He has now taped more than 300 shows, with the most recent one this week including a roundtable discussion on Chelmsford news with four town officials.

Q: What made you decide to do a TV show on Chelmsford public access?

A: It started 17 1/2 years ago in April of 1998 with the first show. It started just because I was watching local cable TV and saw that people could have their own show. I watched a lot of political discussion shows, and thought, "Why not have a political discussion show but with local people?"

Q: Who have been some notable guests?

A: Marty Meehan was on when he was our congressman a couple times. I've had Niki Tsongas on a couple times.

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Hosting a TV show like riding a bike for Chelmsford man

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