Finally, Politically Incorrect Women Are Coming Out of the …

Posted: November 21, 2016 at 10:56 am

Finally, Politically Incorrect Women Are Coming Out of the Closet

I feel a strange sort of kinship with Donald Trump: my entire writing career has been built on people who support me privately, but not in public.

Ill never forget the time I found a Southwest Airlines stewardess reading one of my books. I had walked to the bathroom in the back of the plane, only to find it occupied. So I found myself standing in the aisle, sandwiched between two flight attendants on my right who were busying themselves with drinks, and one on my left who was crouched down in a corner.

I happened to look down, and I could see the distinct green outline of The Flipside of Feminism.

I smiled, and asked her: Is that a good book?

She looked up as though shed been caught doing something wrong. When I told her I am the author of the book, she looked at me for a few moments and then checked the photo on the book jacket. Then she smiled from ear to ear and instantly relaxed. She told me:

So she reads it in private, she said.

That exchange is a perfect example of political correctness -- the idea that theres a right way to think and a wrong way to think -- run amok. And last week Donald J. Trump blasted this phenomenon wide open.

The 2016 election proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our country is divided into two groups: the elite, most of whom are liberal-minded and thus think the right way, and everyday folks, most of whom are right-leaning and thus think the wrong way.

This narrative has been used to silence women.

In The misogyny apocalypse, Amanda Marcotte wrote the following in response to the election results:

Marcotte's rhetoric, which is promulgated throughout the country on a regular basis, is precisely the reason that attendant was reading my book in private. If she dared show the world she doesnt subscribe to Marcottes feminist ideology, shed be shamed.

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Finally, Politically Incorrect Women Are Coming Out of the ...

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