evolution Darwin collapse 666 IMF teorema by Unius REI 23 – Video

Posted: November 16, 2012 at 9:41 pm

evolution Darwin collapse 666 IMF teorema by Unius REI 23
[shame FED Talmud: 666 IMF: said: goyim are animals in human form]: The bales of Darwin. Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and: intelligent design, Author: Jonathan Wells Data: #65279; 2009, XX-267 p., Paperback, Translator: G. Seals, Publisher Rubbettino: (The hummingbird necklace. New Series), Tired of books on Darwin? This is the first book against Darwin! an: Book that: will tell you what that: your teacher of sciences probably not: there has: never said that. Did you know that: a lot of evidence that: have so far been put forward to: support of h: Darwinian theory were accepted uncritically: all evolutionary scientists without verifying the reliability? Did you know that: the fossils not: allow us of: draw any conclusion: certain: the evolution of species? Why: evolutionism not: has: so far found application in the field of h: medicine?From:HolyJHWHsantoViews:0 0ratingsTime:08:15More inScience Technology

evolution Darwin collapse 666 IMF teorema by Unius REI 23 - Video

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