Discover 100 Politically Correct words and phrases

Posted: November 5, 2021 at 10:34 pm

The Mainstream Media (MSM) habit of using politically correct words and phrases is an attempt to control the way people think.

The control of language is an essential policy in the establishment of a totalitarian society.

I have been following media reports about the situation in Syria and have become increasingly annoyed about the editorial style of reporting events.

What do I mean by this?

Well, I want to know what is happening in Syria but Im getting biased reports from news channels and reporters.

Every story seems to be an editorial.

In other words, journalists insist on putting their own spin on the story.

By selecting certain adjectives and using other literary tools, the author manipulates the reader.

Consider these phrases which the MSM use all the time:

Notice the use of the word regime instead of government.

Also, see how the MSM describes terrorists as protesters and rebels.

Left-wingers use politically correct words and phrases because they believe that words such as Christmas and manpower might offend some people.

However, its much more than that; political correctness is used as a form of mind control.

The phrase best man for the job is now politically incorrect; its now best person for the job.

Some words have not been replaced but have taken on a new meaning.

For example, the word fascist now means anyone who disagrees with the far-left.

Furthermore, the word dictator now means any leader who does not agree with the UK government.

Britons have been gagged by political correctness.

The British National Party believes in freedom of speech and also believes that criticism and dissent are essential in a democracy.

The far-left uses slur words against their political opponents because they have lost the argument.

How to Handle Insults on Social Media

Books about political correctness

Controlling the language is crucial in a totalitarian system.

The author George Orwell in his book Politics and the English Languagewrote: If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.

Hence, Orwells invention of the fictional language Newspeak which is used in his classic dystopian novel 1984.

Newspeak is a form of English that is controlled by the state to corrupt happiness and free thought.


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Discover 100 Politically Correct words and phrases

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