Can Your Pro-Life Bumper Sticker Actually Get You in Trouble?

Posted: September 28, 2012 at 12:11 am

September 27, 2012|8:59 am

I knew Bush was unpopular in some circles, but that seemed a bit much.

Writer Tim Brown recently (9/21/2012) posted an article on entitled, "DOJ: Your Bumper Sticker May Indicate You're A Terrorist."

Brown writes, "The Department of Justice funded a training manual used in the State and Local Anti-terrorism Training (SLATT) program for law enforcement. Apparently certain political bumper stickers can put you on the 'could be a terrorist' list, including opposition to the United Nations and support for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights." Included in that list are those who oppose abortion.

This seems to fit with a fascist pattern: Free speech for me, but not for thee. What is free speech if it isn't really free?

This kind of thing would never pass constitutional muster. Twenty years ago, the High Court caused quite a controversy when they declared that burning a U.S. flag is protected free speech.

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If that is the case, then how much more should bumper stickers be considered free speech?

Here's the verbatim wording found on two of the pages of the DOJ training manual:

Terrorism Training for Law Enforcement Special-Interest/Single Issue Terrorism

See more here:
Can Your Pro-Life Bumper Sticker Actually Get You in Trouble?

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