Biblical lessons in history – Temple Daily Telegram

Posted: July 25, 2017 at 11:44 am

I have read a few published letters and books criticizing Christian beliefs and practices. Most people know the greatest history book of all is the Bible. I used to use it to teach my military history classes as a command sergeant major in the U.S. Air Force. It records many other ancient historical events, such as the fall of many city, states and countries.

In elementary school in the 40s and 50s, our teachers used the Bible to teach us how to read and comprehend. Our wonderful country was primarily a Judeo/Christian nation. That has changed. We have, as a nation, drifted far from those fundamental beliefs this country was founded on. Christians and Jews are being called politically incorrect and being denied the right to pray in public. A former president even announced to the world that the United States of America is not a Christian nation! I have been made fun of because I said grace before a meal.

I would recommend to those who oppose Christian beliefs to refer to that history book call the Bible and find out what ever happened to all those countries that did not heed or replaced Biblical teachings and prophesies with their own. I see the Biblical prophesies coming back again in our country as we continue a downhill slide to disaster. Our leaders no longer represent those who elected them. When our judicial system supports and defend unnatural acts and the murder of the unborn, we are in dire straits as a nation.

I urge everyone who reads this to refute it by reading what has happened to those countries that have refused to live by those Biblical rules.

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Biblical lessons in history - Temple Daily Telegram

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