Atkins, Benn show differences in hour-long debate

Posted: October 3, 2012 at 9:17 pm

Democratic State Rep. Cory Atkins and Republican challenger Michael Benn, both of Concord, faced off on issues ranging from job creation to gay marriage during a one-hour debate Tuesday night on Chelmsfords Politically Incorrect show.

Both are seeking the 14th Middlesex House of Representatives seat in a district that includes all or parts of Acton, Carlisle, Chelmsford and Concord.

Host Carmen Christiano gave both candidates two minutes to answer each of 11 questions, followed by an open debate.

One of the first questions fired by Christiano asked how the state government could help the private sector create more jobs.

To make it less difficult to do business here in Massachusetts. So lower tax rates is one(and) regulation reform. If the government gets too powerful, then there starts to be more regulations, said Benn.

Cory, who took a similar stance, emphasized the state investing in education and the importance of matching certain industries with particular areas in the state to enhance economic growth.

That is our (the states) biggest natural resource, a trained workforceOne of the biggest things we need to do is streamline the currentrecruiting businesses in Massachusetts, said Atkins, who credited community colleges for driving workforce training.

Next, Christiano asked the candidates position on all three of the state ballot questions. The first question, regarding the use of medical marijuana, yielded a difference of opinion between the two candidates.

Im in favor of anything prescribed legally that will alleviate somebodys pain and suffering, said Atkins. We have to be very, very stringent with our legal safeguards and just how people are going to get itjust like with any other controlled substance.

But Benn said supporting such use would be an incremental way toward full legalization of marijuana and he does not support the question.

Atkins, Benn show differences in hour-long debate

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