Ann Coulter Calls Obama ‘The Retard’

Posted: October 31, 2012 at 11:48 pm

Ann Coulter (Photo: Getty)

As is her custom, provocative conservative commentator Ann Coulter was decidedly politically incorrect in her assessment of the final presidential debate last night. Ms. Coulter took to Twitter where she used a derogatory term to describe President Barack Obama.

I highly approve of Romneys decision to be kind and gentle to the retard, Ms. Coulter wrote.

Her comment comes less than two weeks after Dan Niblock, the father of a young boy with Down syndrome, published an essay on the website of NBCs Today taking Ms. Coulter to task for using the same term in another tweet. Its apparently a habit of Ms. Coulters.

I want Ann Coulter to apologize for using a form of hate speech that is particularly searing to people who have special needs. This isnt the first time she has tweeted the word retarded to insult her rivals, and she needs to stop. Her behavior is not acceptable, Mr. Niblock wrote.

These complaints clearly havent had much effect on Ms. Coulter, who has been unapologetic of her past politically incorrect remarks. Still, we reached out to Ms. Coulter to see if she had any regrets about her post-debate tweet. As of this writing, we have yet to receive a response. We wont hold our breath.

Update (3:00 a.m.): In an email to Politicker, Ms. Coulter doubled down and made it clear shes not worried about upsetting anyone with her choice of words.

The only people who will be offended are too retarded to understand it, she wrote.

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Ann Coulter Calls Obama ‘The Retard’

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