A White Christmas

Posted: December 25, 2014 at 4:42 am

I recently heard that White Christmas is now politically incorrect.

Bing rolls over in his grave. How foolish.

White Christmas is not about skin color, but about snow, which is white. I am praying for each of you who read this, a white Christmas, even if it doesnt snow on this or any Christmas. Here is what I mean.

If you come to church at Immanuel at Christmas you will see that the cloths that decorate the altar have turned to white. White is the color of holiness, purity, and the absence of that which makes unclean. That is not a description of us, even at Christmas.

The pressures that surround this season often bring out the worst in people. As someone recently said, We dont have a skin problem. We have a sin problem. White is the color that reflects the perfect, sinless Son of God born into our world of sin, to buy it back with the price of His own suffering and death.

What is most remarkable is that what this Christmas Child would do on the cross makes us white (Dont Think Skin Color!).

Christs suffering, death and resurrection makes us sinless, holy and perfect in the eyes of our God. The Christmas prophet Isaiah wrote: Though your sin (not skin!) is like scarlet, it shall be white as snow. A Norman Rockwell, Bing Crosby, White Christmas would be nice for a moment or two. The White (forgiven, at peace with God and man, declared holy) Christmas that comes from this Child whose birth we celebrate again this year, who was born to die and rise for us, gives to us a White Christmas forever.

No need to dream of a White Christmas. It is Gods gift to you in His Son. I am

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Mark Bangert

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A White Christmas

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