Templeton, Craig, Shermer, and Rand – Nov. 12, 2012 – Video

Posted: November 16, 2012 at 9:41 pm

Templeton, Craig, Shermer, and Rand - Nov. 12, 2012
Commentary on the Templeton Foundation, William Lane Craig, Michael Shermer, and Ayn Rand. November 12, 2012. Also about Steve Paulson of To the Best of Our Knowledge on Wisconsin Public Radio. Related notes phrases: Conflating science religion. Religious apology. Apologizing for genocide. Bible. God. Big bang. Cosmology. KCPW. KUER. Libertarianism. Libertarian. Obamacare. Memetic viruses. Camel #39;s nose. Secularism. Veterans Day. 9/11 liberals. Afghanistan. Iraq. Hitchens. Burqas.From:chinadreams888Views:15 0ratingsTime:12:01More inNonprofits Activism

See the original post here:
Templeton, Craig, Shermer, and Rand - Nov. 12, 2012 - Video

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