Ron Paul Farewell Speech: What Did He Get Right Over The Course Of His Career?

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 9:41 pm

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) delivered his farewell address on Wednesday, setting the stage for the upcoming conclusion to his 36-year career in Congress.

A strong and at times solitary voice for libertarianism in the House, Paul promoted many of the traditional themes that have motivated his fervent fan base throughout his lengthy congressional career and presidential campaigns.

In his speech, Paul passionately delivered his archetypal arguments for unrestricted personal liberty, unregulated free markets, uncomplicated monetary policy, minimal taxation, personal responsibility over welfare and, more broadly, a limited or perhaps entirely non-existent federal government.

But Paul also spoke about many of the views that have made him a thorn in the side of his Republican colleagues, as well as a fascinating and influential figure for many others across the political spectrum. His strong defense of civil liberties, opposition to the war on drugs, disapproval of foreign intervention, frustration with the status quo and skepticism of expanding executive power all made appearances in his nearly 50-minute address.

Below is a sampling of quotes from Paul's speech that exhibit some of the congressman's most compelling tenets and policy ideas. Whatever your personal political leanings, did the controversial yet principled congressman get some things right over the course of his career?

(Watch the entire speech above, or watch Paul's conclusion below the slideshow)

"One side doesn't give up one penny on military spending, the other side doesn't give up one penny on welfare spending. While both sides support the bailouts and the subsidies for the banking and corporate elite, and the spending continues as the economy weakens and the downward spiral continues."

"Some decide what and whose freedoms to be limited. These are the politicians whose goal in life is power. Their success depends on gaining support from special interests. We don't need more isms. The great news is the answer is not to be found in more isms. The answers are to be found in more liberty, which costs so much less."

"The insidous nature of the erosion of our liberties and the reassurances our great abundance gave us evolved into a dangerous period in which we now live. Dependency on government largess. Today we face a dependence on government largess for almost every need, our liberties are restricted and government operates outside the rule of law, protecting and rewarding those who buy or coerce government into saving their demands."

"The PATRIOT Act and FISA legislation passed without much debate, resulted in a steady erosion of our fourth amendment rights. tragically, our government engages in preemptive war, otherwise known as aggression with no complaints were the american people. The drone warfare we are pursuing worldwide is destined to end badly for us as the hatred builds for innocent lives lost."

Here is the original post:
Ron Paul Farewell Speech: What Did He Get Right Over The Course Of His Career?

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