Republicans Must Focus on Social Libertarianism to Win Back Voters

Posted: November 11, 2012 at 4:41 am

After the Republican Party was denied its bid for the White House and lost two Senate seats to Democrats, Yahoo! asked voters what they'd like the GOP to focus on in the next two to four years. Here are one voter's thoughts.

COMMENTARY | Republicans used to be the party that freed the slaves. Now they sometimes wear the label of rich, out-of-touch, racist and sexist white guys. I believe the reason for this is because of where many of them stand on social issues. If they ever want to take back the White House or Senate, their top concern should be social transformation. Their secondary concern should be sticking to their economic values, while strategically proving why their economic stance is the best for America.

Republicans should be the party known for freedom and equality for everyone. Their stance on economic issues backs freedom. Because of their stance on social issues, however, Democrats have been able to connect those great economic values with homophobia, sexism, and even racism. If the Republican Party wants to get anywhere, it needs to become socially libertarian.

Second, Republicans need to prove their economic values are the ones that work best for America. They should not back down on their belief that low taxes for everyone, with fewer loopholes for the rich, is the best course to take. They may have to compromise, however.

Compromise may mean giving up on tax cuts for the rich. If Republicans must give in on some economic issues, they should at least make a point of saying that the compromise will not do anything to help our dire economic situation. If Americans want to climb out of their economic hole in two years, they will have the Republicans to which they can turn. Americans will only vote for Republicans, however, if they share the socially libertarian values of true freedom and equality for everyone.

-- Kristen Dyrr, 37, San Diego

See the original post here:
Republicans Must Focus on Social Libertarianism to Win Back Voters

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