Kennedy Gains Libertarian Ballot Access in Colorado – by Jan Wondra – The Ark Valley Voice

Posted: July 14, 2024 at 12:57 am

His supporters were out in force (literally) appearing around the (nonpolitical) FIBArk events, waving petitions, and talking up his candidacy and now it is official. The Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -Shanahan campaign has petitioned its way onto the Libertarian ballot slot in Colorado for president and vice president.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Courtesy of NBC News

In an announcement on July 3, the Kennedy campaign said it looks forward to joining forces with the Libertarian Party of Colorado to canvass, phone bank, and turn out the vote for Kennedy and the American freedoms that we will together restore.

It points out that the partnership with the Libertarian Party of Colorado is intended to disrupt the entrenched two-party system and provide Colorado voters with a viable alternative to our last two presidents disastrous status quo in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Kennedy, whose own, rich, famous family has disavowed his politics, and his stance on issues, is running as an anti-vaccination, anti-government, free-market, less regulation candidate. He often touts conspiracy theories and has been accused of everything from sexual assault to bar-b-qing a dog. He recently sat for an interview in which he reported that he had a flesh-eating worm (pork tapeworm) in his brain and added that it didnt impact his reasoning.

Thank you, Libertarian Party of Colorado and Chair Hannah Goodman for your visionary leadership in defense of freedom, said Kennedy. Together, we will win the White House and steadfastly protect the Bill of Rights, the First and Second Amendments, and all the foundational liberties they secure. Our administration will restore free markets, end corporate welfare, stop the money-printing and unwind the war machine it fuels. On day one, I will pardon Edward Snowden, Ross Ulbricht, and all political and corporate whistleblowers who protect our democracy.

It remains to be seen what such a high-profile third-party candidate might do to the presidential race; but many political observers say that his appeal leans toward the right, and could take votes away from GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

The Libertarian Party of Colorado partnership is a testament to Kennedys unifying independent run and how the campaign is bringing this country together, said Libertarian Colorado State Director Isaac James. Our movement has universal appeal because of its common sense values, rooted in the founding principles of our country, and its rejection of the divisive fear narratives used by the establishment parties to steal the wealth of our children and keep their corrupt hold on power.

Excerpt from:
Kennedy Gains Libertarian Ballot Access in Colorado - by Jan Wondra - The Ark Valley Voice

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