Is Transhumanism The Greatest Threat To Humanity? | ABC …

Posted: September 25, 2014 at 11:45 am

Although it goes back many years transhumanism continues to be promoted through the entertainments industry with recent films such as Luc Besson's 'Lucy' played by Scarlet Johansson, then there's 'Transcendence' starring Johnny Depp...

-Sponsored by the ruling elite are they using the entertainments industry to let us know of their intentions, prepping us for what's to come?

You bet they are.

Right at its inception and to this day the transhumanism movement has been well supported by the ruling elite. They see it as a way to immortality. This should immediately be a red flag warning for the rest of us.

So what exactly is transhumanism?

The term 'transhumanism' was first coined by biologist Julian Huxley in 1957, a prominent member of the British Eugenics society. His half-brother Aldous authored 'Brave New World' influenced by eugenics and its ties to Darwinist philosophy with natural selection favouring the survival of the fittest while the genetically 'inferior' get culled off...

Transhumanism is presented as an idealism essentially incorporating advancements in genetics, robotics and nanotechnology... to improve human health, intelligence and physical characteristics. The ruling elite's transhumanist technocrat organizations have the visionary idea that one day there will be a superhuman cyborg race.

The idea of creating a superhuman race using eugenics and social Darwinism precedes the Huxley brothers. It can be traced back to Hitler's Nazi genetic engineers. Between the years 1935-1945 there was a programme called the 'Lebensborn' or 'Fountain of Life' intended to build an Aryan master race. So called radically pure children were produced from blue-eyed blonde Nordic girls having no Jewish blood and SS males.

The bizarre christening involved a ritual where a dagger was held over the baby while the mother pledged allegiance to Nazi ideology... Disabled infants were either sent to concentration camps or terminated. These illegitimate offspring were then taken into long-term foster care in special orphanages.

Darwinist racist viewpoints came into effect from chief promulgator Adolph Hitler...

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Is Transhumanism The Greatest Threat To Humanity? | ABC ...

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