Infrared News from the Transhuman Underground – OMNI Reboot

Posted: December 20, 2013 at 4:47 pm

I hate rainbows.

Sure, they symbolize many positive things to different cultures: peace, sexual identity, a bridge to heaven. But I hate real rainbows. Every time I see one of those clown-colored frowns in the sky, Im reminded of the limitations of human perception. Of the vast wavelengths that span the electromagnetic spectrum, humans can see a mere 2.3%. Those mocking slivers of light we call rainbows? Theyre just a fraction of the real picture.

Its a thing to wonder atthat mankind has managed to create the advanced technologies we enjoy today while only observing 2.3% of reality. Occasionally we glimpse shadows cast by unseen forces; working in our allegorical caves, weve crafted abstract theories to understand x-rays, radio, microwaves, and gamma rays. But how much more advanced would humanity be if we could perceive the other 97.7% of reality? What heights could we reach if we were born with the ability to see it all?

In transhumanist circles, and even in popular discourse, strong arguments have been made in favor of boosting our brains through genetic or cybernetic means. But what about our range of perception? It seems to be a neglected narrative. Some of us are hoping that widening the human sensory experience via biological or cybernetic augmentations will lead to new revelations about the way the universe around us works.

Read the original post:
Infrared News from the Transhuman Underground - OMNI Reboot

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