Will Red Wine Help You Live Longer? – Beliefnet – Beliefnet

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 5:43 am


Besides making you feel more chill and jovial, wine has many other benefits. Studies have linked the health benefits that come from wine consumption such as lowering the mortality rate in people and reducing the risks of high blood pressure because of the magical flavonoid compounds found in the grapes.

According to the American Heart Association, people who drink wine have a 34 percent lower mortality rate than beer or spirits drinkers. "Research is being done to find out what the apparent benefits of drinking wine or alcohol in some populations may be due to, including the role of antioxidants, an increase in HDL ("good") cholesterol or anti-clotting properties."

We will explore some key points to see if drinking red wine increases your lifespan. Maybe Mr. Garca was onto something that we don't know, or maybe all this hype is hokum.

Here are some points to consider.

There are many factors that contribute to a long life. Eating a healthy diet, making healthy lifestyle choices and your family history all play a role in our longevity. Sorting through all the findings can be confusing. What we do know is there is efficacy to the growing research and studies. However, excessive alcohol consumption is counterproductive no matter what the advantages are. It causes damage to the heart, liver and to the brain. When it comes to immortality, take a step back and be skeptical, but be open minded. Until then, raise a glass and drink a glass of wine. If we don't live until we are 107, at least we can be happy and enjoy a glass with a meal or after work. Perhaps this was the reason Garca truly drank red wine.

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Will Red Wine Help You Live Longer? - Beliefnet - Beliefnet

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