Sir Roger Bannister has Parkinson's Disease

Posted: May 2, 2014 at 4:41 am

Sir Roger Bannister has Parkinson's Disease

8:30am Friday 2nd May 2014 in News By Alex Wynick, Reporter covering Blackbird Leys and Greater Leys. Call me on 01865 425403

SPORTING icon Sir Roger Bannister has revealed he has Parkinsons Disease, just days before the 60th anniversary of his breaking of the four-minute mile barrier.

The 85-year-old was yesterday reluctant to dwell on the subject, preferring to concentrate on the events planned for Tuesdays commemoration.

But he told the Oxford Mail that he does have this disability, particularly with walking, from Parkinsons but I make as light of it as I can.

Sir Roger achieved sporting immortality when he ran a mile on the Iffley Road track in three minutes 59.4 seconds on May 6, 1954.

Exeter College, where he studied medicine in 1946, will host a lunch in his honour on Tuesday, the anniversary, and he will also attend the opening of the refurbished Vincents Club on the same day.

Exeter Colleges rector, Frances Caincross, said: We at Exeter College are amazingly proud of him, its such a great achievement.

University spokesman Matt Pickles added: The vice chancellor and other guests that Sir Roger wants to see will join him and his family for the lunch, where we will show footage of his famous race.

We are looking forward to celebrating the 60th anniversary of Sir Rogers legendary athletic achievement with him.

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Sir Roger Bannister has Parkinson's Disease

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