Live longer and better with these five immortality herbs …

Posted: September 16, 2016 at 5:18 am

A great number of the most effective herbs are known as adaptogens, which assist the body in its natural task of maintaining homeostasis - the delicate state of balance necessary to survival and healing. A body out of balance is considered to be in "negative homeostasis," a condition in which the restorative (anabolic) and degenerative (catabolic) systems of the body may not function properly,eventually leading to experience symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, weight fluctuation and impaired libido. But adaptogens help the body adapt to and compensate for change. In a person with high blood sugar, for example, an adaptogenic herb might help to lower glucose levels in the body; whereas, in a person with low blood sugar, the herb would help to raise them.

Because of this ability to improve the body's stress response, adaptogenic herbs can literally add years to a person's life. Here are a few you should know:

Remember that medicinal herbs can have reactions with some medications and certain health conditions. Those who are pregnant, nursing or who have autoimmune conditions may be especially vulnerable to complications. Be sure to seek counsel from a health professional before you begin any new herbal protocol.

Sources for this article include:

The Herb of Immortality


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Live longer and better with these five immortality herbs ...

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