Theres a Handy New App for Betting on Friends Relationships

Posted: February 21, 2014 at 7:43 pm

As soon as a friend gets into a serious relationship, you might think: Good for her! The second: I wonder how long will it last? Its human nature. A new app, Forever|NOT (clever) adds some fun, interactivity, and competition into our natural inclination toward thinking horrible things about happy people by letting you bet on the longevity of your friends relationships. You dont get any money if youre right, but youll get paid out with oodles of schadenfreude.

Forever|NOT works in the same vein as Tinder: It accesses your Facebook information, finds your coupled-up friends, analyzes their interactions, and gives them a score. If you think a couple is one step away from a registry, swipe left. If youre certain youll be sweeping up the smoldering relationship ashes of your high-school friend Emotionally Repressed Rachel and her new boyfriend, Overgrown Alcoholic Fratboy Frank, swipe right. Bonus: To help you feel like less of a jerk, the app throws celebrity relationships like Amber Heard and Johnny Depp into the mix. (Swipe right.)

But, like every gambling game, there's a way to cheat the system. The Forever|NOT website offers some sound advice for increasing your relationship score and ensuring a left swipe. It recommends:

1. Dont fight in public! 2. Tell your friends all the great things your significant other does for you (if they dont, fake it!). 3. Send flowers to your girlfriend at work or school so everyone else sees. 4. Message your friends that you support their relationship and invite them to bet on yours. 5. PDA is GOOD.

(User warning: Forever|NOT might have been created by a group of jilted tweens who are app-shaming their BFFs into treating them better.)

Theres a Handy New App for Betting on Friends Relationships

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