Single Premium Life Insurance with Living Benefits – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 8:44 pm

Single Premium Life Insurance with Living Benefits Steve and Michael go through a redox of single premium life in the late 80s and brings the conversation into the twenty first century with living benefits and simplified issue. Living Benefits -- Morbidity riders embedded on a mortality chassis appears to be in contradiction in actuarial insurance construction, but this hybrid product can have several options such as catastrophic, terminal illness, critical illness and long term care. Simplified Issue -- Full and traditional underwriting in the senior market can disqualify a large segment of the senior population, but with the inclusion of simplified issue with morbidly products, the market has been expanded with a few knock health items. The Senior Market -- The baby boomers will soon be the largest segment of the senior market. The life expectancy for the boomer generation will more than likely continue to extend human longevity and lifestyle viability. But with those new frontiers comes more exposure to morbidity events. Steve Savant is a national insurance columnist, financial color commentator and host of the daily Internet talk show, The Business Insurance Zone. Insurance columnist and financial color commentator Steve Savant interviews special guest Michael Simpson, Senior Market AdvisorFrom:BrokersAllianceViews:2 0ratingsTime:15:03More inEducation

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Single Premium Life Insurance with Living Benefits - Video

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