President Obama, the 'Permanent Revolutionary'

Posted: February 21, 2014 at 7:43 pm

By Anthony F. Shaker

Western propaganda about Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela,and a host of other so-called "human-rights files" around the world, is being churned out on an industrial scale these days. Working in unison with the politicians are NGOs like Human Rights Watch, which is currently beating the drum of war at a frenetic speed, much as we rememberAmnesty Internationaldoing at the height of the Cold War. True, the argumentspresented to the public stand, almost invariably, on wild assumptions and claims that have no basis in reality except in the minds of armchair strategists,secretplotters and lunatics.

One recent example is an article in Foreign Affairs, a major establishment policy journal ("The Good and Bad of Ahrar al-Sham. An al Qaeda-Linked Group Worth Befriending," by Michael Doran et al.). Its authors actually tried to promote American rapprochement with Wahhabi and Saudi-sponsoredjihadism around the world, as if this has not already happened. However, the mock ignorance behind this moral acrobatics seems to reflecta far more sinister design than even the larger and expanding rivalry into which the US is now locking itself with the Russian Federation.

The first question that comes to mind, even if the authors are correct in distinguishing good from bad Wahhabi terrorists, is towhat end? What do the authors hope Obama would achieve with such analliance? Liberty? Some antiquatedAmerican version of "democracy"?

The tragedy is that the United States is operating, more than ever, under the cloak of "revolutionism," one based on the notion that human rights must be practiced according to US values and whenever the US dictates.

Naturally, this new tribal redefinition of liberty requires the demolition of "regimes" that refuse to embrace such a divinely ordained "self-evident truth." But because nobody has the patience to listen anymore, the Obama administration regularly has to issue military threats, sanctions, etc., just to be heard over the growing din of misery around the world.

Most disturbingly, the US has returned to its old tactic of deploying armed local militias, as it has done against Nicaragua, Southern Africa, Southeast Asia, of course Afghanistan under the Soviets, not to mention other nations. Bloodthirsty terrorists--and literally, cannibals who film themselves eating human flesh--apparently pose no problem. We nickname them freedom fighters--more offensively, "activists."

Is this how human rights and democracy are to be established in countries we claim to care about? Or, is it a useful instrument with which to demolish states that the governments of both the US and Israel feel are blocking their view of the glorious future awaiting us all under Americo-Israeli "guidance."

That is a cartoonish interpretation of the world at the intellectual level of Bibi the Bomber during his comical address at the UN.I say this because it has become amply clear the US is on a fast-track to the "dustbin of history" on this march (as the "evil Communist revolutionaries" once used to paint their capitalist opponents).

The purpose of using Saudi- and Gulf-sponsored armies of Wahhabi jihadists around the Islamic world, most devastatingly in Syria, is not to build anything, but to pave the way for direct foreign control in an increasingly desperate situation for the US and the EU on nearly every front (geopolitical, diplomatic and, for the EU, economic).

See the original post:
President Obama, the 'Permanent Revolutionary'

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