Microbiota: what you need to know about it to be healthy – The Times Hub

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 7:02 am

The study of the intestinal microbiota is important not only for specialists in the field of medicine

The condition of the human body is closely associated with microorganisms this thesis in recent years has become particularly relevant. There is growing interest in studying the role of microbiota in the development of various diseases and also investigated the use of probiotics to prevent diseases, restore health and increase the longevity of active life.

Let us consider, what is it microbiota, what role it plays in maintaining health and longevity, as well as to know the opinion of Professor, doctor of medical Sciences Oleg Shadrina G., President of the Association, Executive Board member, head of the Department of nutrition and somatic diseases of children of early age Institute of Pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology NAMS of Ukraine.

Professor, doctor of medical Sciences Oleg Shadrin

Our body is home to a huge variety of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa. They form a community of microbiota. Its particular microbiota inhabited every system of our bodies gut, skin, urinary system, vagina, respiratory tract, ENT organs.

The most extensive it is estimated about 100 trillion microorganisms the microbiota. It performs many important functions, to name just a few. Intestinal microflora AIDS in digestion, involved in the synthesis of essential fatty acids, vitamins, hormones, antioxidants. It protects the intestinal cells, performs detoxification and anti-carcinogenic functions, supports the activity of the immune system and inhibits allergic reactions. The balance of the gut microbiota a key to health and longevity.

The balance between the microorganisms of the intestines is of fundamental importance to human health. Various diseases, infections, medications, stress, changes in environment and diet can upset the balance of the microbiota, says Oleg Shadrin. Dysbiosis, i.e. an imbalance of microbiota can lead to the development of not only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also allergic reactions, diseases of metabolism, skin, musculoskeletal, nervous and respiratory systems.


It should be noted that the partnership of the microorganisms in the gut begins at birth. The childs body colonized by the flora of the mother as it passes through the birth canal, and breastfeeding promotes growth of beneficial microflora. Therefore, the microbiota of infants born by caesarean section or undergoing artificial feeding, greatly different in composition and less diverse than the children, going naturally.

Today, there is evidence of a programming effect of the microbiota in the childs long-term health, including in the adult age, says the Professor.

To maintain balance in the gut microbiota, it is important to conduct a correct lifestyle, and eating variety of foods.

Gut microbiota of a healthy person depends largely on the nature of food and food habits. Improve intestinal ecology plant foods fruits and vegetables and fermented dairy products, says the doctor of medical Sciences.

If the balance of microbiota is disturbed, to restore it possibly affecting the number and diversity of microorganisms. Positively affect the microbiota probiotics. Oleg G. Shadrin explained that it is probiotics:

Currently, in medical literature, most authors refer to the recommendations of the world organization of gastroenterologists, according to which probiotics are live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts have a positive effect on the health of the owner. This effect can be both local and systemic. Modern technologies allow the use of probiotics for the correction of microbiota; prevention and treatment of diarrhea especially occurs with antibiotic treatment, prevention and treatment of allergic diseases, intestinal diseases, and so forth.

Interest in the role of the microbiota in maintaining health and longevity is growing every year as experts in the field of medicine, and those who care about the quality of their lives. All currently available knowledge on the subject, including his extensive experience, gathered at the first major international platform Institute of microbiota Biocodex. In late may, he joined forces in the study of the microbiota with the world gastroenterology organisation (WGO). The platform helps lay the Foundation for extensive research and accurate network data on the microbiota, which will allow patients and medical workers to learn about the most important achievements in this field, and thus, will provide new opportunities to strengthen our health.

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Microbiota: what you need to know about it to be healthy - The Times Hub

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