
Posted: April 21, 2017 at 2:01 am

Important Tips On How to Use the Neti Pot People often tip their head down while doing the Neti so water will go up into the nose or down the back of the throat. Think of the Wood Labyrinth Game, you have to turn every thing just right to get the marble to go slowly in the right direction. Same with the water, keep the head more or less level to feel where your starting point it, then move the head accordingly to guide the water through to come out the other nostril. It is an odd feeling having ...

Chakras are important concepts in Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Derived from the Sanskrit word for wheel, the term chakra refers to points of concentrated energy in our subtle bodies (meaning our...

Ever since the advent of the cell phone many believe that cancer in its many forms increases with each new user. Now, the medical community as well as International Association For Research On Cancer ...

For the past two years, I have been struggling with my seated meditation practice. I was given my personal mantra from my teacher in 2011 at Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, PA. It has been an amazin...

A current statistic that has been tossed around for decades is that 95 percent of all dieters will regain their lost weight within a year of losing it. However, that doesn't seem to fret the 45 millio...

People are living longer and longer these days. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention reports that the life expectancy is at 78.7 years of age, according to a recent report. This is due in larg...

Sutra 1.13: Ardent effort to retain the peaceful flow of mind free of roaming tendencies is abhyasa.(samadhi pada, translation by Pandit Rajmani tigunait) Students often ask, "What do you mean by a ho...

The full extent of global hunger in the world today. The world is facing one of it's greatest challenges. Global Famine is going to be a reality. Some parts of the world are already facing acute food ...

Being able to hit your fitness goals can be difficult under the wrong guidance, especially with a tight work schedule, you may barely even fit the time to give back to your body. However, with the rec...

Do you label some foods good and some bad? That habit may be sabotaging your weight loss success more than you realize. While certain foods may have less than healthy aspects, good and bad are sub...

When I first started meditating it was so difficult. My mind was everywhere and with each thought a strong emotion followed. I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster and thought, why in the h...

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