Division of Human Genetics | University of Maryland Medical …

Posted: May 16, 2016 at 11:44 pm

The Division of Human Genetics provides comprehensive inpatient, outpatient and laboratory genetic services to patients of all ages, including a network of statewide outreach clinics.

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Through their Genetics Services, The University of Maryland Childrens Hospital offers a number of resources for patients seeking genetic evaluation, genetic counseling and testing.

The Childrens Hospital has biochemical genetics and cytogenetics laboratory testing on-site, as well as close relationships with DNA and other diagnostic labs around the country.

Genetic disorders

Birth defects

Multiple malformation syndromes

Pregnancy with genetic high-risk factors

Suspected fetal anomalies

Biochemical genetics: comprehensive testing for inborn errors of metabolism; quantitative amino acid and organic acid analysis, mucopolysaccharide and oligosaccharide screening, assays for 18 different lysosomal enzymes, carnitine, biotinidase, enzymes and metabolites involved in galactosemia; carrier screening for Tay-Sachsand other disorders routinely offered

Cytogenetics: routine banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, peripheral blood, bone marrow, products of conception and solid tumors

Molecular genetics: DNA-based testing for fragile X syndrome, cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs, Gaucher disease, Canavan disease, Factor V Leiden; other testing arranged on request

Prenatal Screening: Maternal serum multiple marker screening (AFP, estriol, and hCG) for fetal neural tube defects and fetal Down's syndrome

Comprehensive genetic evaluation

Consultation on complicated cases

Second opinions

Special treatment procedures

Short-term and long-term management

State-of-the-art genetic laboratory service

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Division of Human Genetics | University of Maryland Medical ...

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