The Jurassic Genome – Video

Posted: January 13, 2013 at 6:52 am

The Jurassic Genome
Science for the Public, December 09, 2009. Chris Organ, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Brown University; Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University. Recent discoveries of preserved genetic material in ancient fossils are providing a much more accurate and comprehensive biological profile of extinct organisms than was previously possible to obtain. Dr. Chris Organ has been a leader in developing this research and the techniques that make it possible. He explains how scientists are using ancient genomes to reveal the biological and evolutionary facts of extinct creatures, from dinosaurs to Neanderthals. In this presentation, Dr. Organ describes the detective work that has led to an understanding of how birds evolved from one line of dinosaurs.

By: scienceforpublic

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The Jurassic Genome - Video

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