The Genome Question: Moore vs. Jevons with Bud Mishra – Video

Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:58 pm

04-04-2012 13:48 Google Tech Talk March 27, 2012 ABSTRACT It is often said that genomics science is on a Moore's law, growing exponentially in data throughput, number of assembled genomes, lowered cost, etc.; and yet, it has not delivered the biomedical promises made a decade ago: personalized medicine; genomic characterization of diseases like cancer, schizophrenia, and autism; bio-markers for common complex diseases; prenatal genomic assays, etc. What share of blame for this failure ought to be allocated to computer science (or computational biology, bioinformatics, statistical genetics, etc.)? How can the computational biology community lead genomics science to rescue it from the current impasse? What are the computational solutions to these problems? What should be our vision of computational biology in the coming decade? We will discuss three systems: TotalReCaller, SUTTA-Assembler and Feature-Response-Curves, in this context. For more info: About the speaker Professor Bud Mishra is a professor of computer science and mathematics at NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, professor of human genetics at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, and a professor of cell biology at NYU School of Medicine. He founded the NYU/Courant Bioinformatics Group, a multi-disciplinary group working on research at the interface of computer science, applied mathematics, biology, biomedicine and bio/nano-technologies. Prof. Mishra has a degree in Physics from Utkal University, in ...

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The Genome Question: Moore vs. Jevons with Bud Mishra - Video

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