NCBI Human Genome Resources

Posted: May 22, 2016 at 8:48 pm

The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Database (dbSNP) of Nucleotide Sequence Variation Adrienne Kitts and Stephen Sherry

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM): A Directory of Human Genes and Genetic Disorders Donna Maglott, Joanna S. Amberger, and Ada Hamosh

The SKY/CGH Database for Spectral Karyotyping and Comparative Genomic Hybridization Data Turid Knutsen, Vasuki Gobu, Rodger Knaus, Thomas Ried, and Karl Sirotkin

Genome Assembly and Annotation Process Paul Kitts

The Reference Sequence (RefSeq) Project Kim D. Pruitt, Tatiana Tatusova, and Donna Maglott

Using the Map Viewer to Explore Genomes Susan M. Dombrowski and Donna Maglott

UniGene: A Unified View of the Transcriptome Joan U. Pontius, Lukas Wagner, and Gregory D. Schuler

Exercises: Using Map Viewer David Wheeler, Kim Pruitt, Donna Maglott, Susan Dombrowski, and Andrei Gabrelian

A challenge facing researchers today is that of piecing together and analyzing the plethora of data currently being generated through the Human Genome Project and scores of smaller projects. NCBI's Web site serves an an integrated, one-stop, genomic information infrastructure for biomedical researchers from around the world so that they may use these data in their research efforts. More...

Reference epigenomic maps and studies on new epigenetic mechanisms and their relevance to human health.

A comprehensive listing of all NIH Roadmap Epigenomics datasets submitted to GEO and SRA.

Homology Map Computed blocks of conserved synteny between mouse and human.

See the rest here:
NCBI Human Genome Resources

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