Genome research given a boost with opening of bioscience facility

Posted: September 11, 2012 at 5:13 pm

By Joe Dermody

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Irish genome research has been given a welcome boost with the opening of a Teagasc Animal Bioscience Facility at Grange, Co Meath.

The facility will optimise research into animal breeding. It will also be used to assist in the commercial development of new meat and milk products.

Officially opened by Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney, the Animal Bioscience Facility was developed as part of the Teagasc vision programme initiated in 2006, with the objective of establishing centres of excellence in the sciences that underpin agriculture. The tech-nologies being developed have the potential to accelerate the rate of gain in efficiency and quality.

Teagasc director Professor Gerry Boyle said: "The publication of the genome sequence for cattle in 2009 has opened up the possibility to use DNA-based approaches to study commercially important traits. These include milk and meat production, immunity and disease, nutrition, and reproduction."

The facilities include molecular biology laboratories, and labs for DNA/RNA preparation, immunology, biochemistry, microbiology, cell culture, and flow cytometry.

Head of the Teagasc Animal and Bioscience Department, Dr Richard Dewhurst, said: "We are developing the optimal breeding programmes to maximise genetic gain in the long term. Our main research activities include the development of multi-breed genetic and genomic evaluations, breeding objectives, and breeding programmes for dairy cattle, beef cattle, and sheep.

"We also aim to identify genes, pathways, and biological processes mediating resistance to infectious diseases in cattle and sheep and how these genes interact with pathogens and the environment."

The Teagasc Animal and Bioscience Department carries out research in the areas of animal breeding and genomics, animal health and welfare, infection and disease, computational and systems biology, fertility and reproduction, feed efficiency, and product quality.

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Genome research given a boost with opening of bioscience facility

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