Recovering 32,277 microbial genomes from over 6000 early-life gut metagenomes
To elucidate differences in the early-life gut microbiome at the genome level and also to expand the genomes for novel human gut lineages during early life, we employed a combination of metagenomic assembly and binning on 6122 multi-country distributed metagenomes across four continents from children from birth to three years old (Fig.1a; Supplementary Data1). Compared to the metagenomes that were used to build the Unified Human Gastrointestinal Genome (UHGG)22, 1904 metagenomes overlapped. The MAGs were produced by three different binning tools (i.e., MetaBAT23, MaxBin24, and CONCOCT25), and then integrated and refined to remove duplicates and improve the quality of assembled genomes with metaWRAP26 (Fig.1b). Following this pipeline, a total of 42,054 MAGs were met or exceeded the medium-quality (50% completeness and <10% contamination) based on the Minimum information about a metagenome-assembled genome (MIMAG) standard27. In order to provide stricter genome quality control, we selected those genomes having completeness >50% and contamination <5% together with genome quality score (defined as completeness5contamination, QS)>50 and free of chimerism (passed by GUNC28), resulting in 32,277 MAGs for subsequent analyses, which we referred to as the ELGG catalog (Fig.1c, d; Supplementary Data2). The median size of the 32,277 MAGs was 2.59 megabases (Mb) (interquartile range, IQR=2.083.75 MB) with N50 values between 1.7 kilobases and 2.8Mb. Among the ELGG catalog, 25,303 MAGs (accounting for 78.4% of the total dataset) were >90% complete (IQR=97.399.7%) and <5% contaminated (IQR=0.001.04%), hereafter referred to as near-complete genomes. A subset of 4614 MAGs (18.2% of near-complete genomes) had 5S, 16S and 23S rRNA genes as well as at least 18 of the standard tRNAs, which can be classified as the high quality draft genomes based on the MIMAG standard27. The relatively low proportion of high quality recovered MAGs was comparable with previous large-scale studies of human gut MAGs13,22 due to the typical challenge in the MAGs assembled from metagenomes with short reads. The rest of the ELGG catalog consists of 6974 medium-quality MAGs (>50% completeness and <5% contamination) (Fig.1d). The other genome statistics (including contig number and N50, genome depth, and relative abundance) supported the consistent high quality of near-complete MAGs compared to medium-quality MAGs even when the latter were stratified based on the QS at the threshold of 75 (Fig.1c).
a The number and proportion of fecal metagenomes stratified by clinical features including age, gender, delivery mode, gestational age, and feeding patterns. b Overview of the computational pipeline to generate ELGG and ELGP catalogs. c Quality metrics across near-complete (n=25,303), medium with quality score (QS)>75 (n=2063) and medium with QS75 (n=4911) MAGs. CPM copies per million reads. Boxes show the interquartile range (IQR), with the horizonal line as the median, the whiskers indicating the range of the data (up to 1.5 IQR), and points beyond the whiskers as outliers. d Completeness and contamination scores for each of 32,277 genomes. QS=completeness5contamination.
In line with previous studies15,22, the ELGG catalog was further investigated at the level of strain heterogeneity per genome by using CMSeq15, which has been suggested to represent a useful measure to assess genome quality. We found that the median strain heterogeneity (proportion of polymorphic positions) of genomes from the ELGG catalog was 0.005% (IQR=0.0010.031%; Fig.1c), which is much lower than the UHGG catalog (0.06%) that included the human gut samples covering all ages22. The near-complete genomes displayed a lower level of strain heterogeneity compared to the medium-quality genomes from the ELGG catalog (Fig.1c).
To expand our understanding of the functions of early-life gut microbiome, the protein-coding sequences (CDS) for each of the 32,277 MAGs were predicted, resulting in a total of 86,678,654 genes. This accounted for 54.9% of all genes when taking the unbinned contigs from the 6122 metagenomic samples into account. After clustering the protein sequences at 95% amino acid identity, we obtained 4,036,936 protein clusters, forming the ELGP catalog. Rarefaction analysis indicated a saturation point was still not reached as the number of ELGP clusters steadily increased as a function of the number of MAGs included (Fig.2a), and this pattern was also observed with the inclusion of all contigs from 6122 samples (Supplementary Fig.1a), which was in line with pervious observations22,29. However, when removing protein clusters with one protein sequence, the number of protein clusters approached saturation (Fig.2a; Supplementary Fig.1a). This may suggest that although the microbial genes from children gut microbiome are still underestimated, the majority of undiscovered genes are likely to be rare. We further compared our early-life gene catalog to the large protein databaseUnified Human Gastrointestinal Protein (UHGP)that mainly includes microbial genes from the gut of adults and clustered at 95% protein identity (n=20,239,340)22. This revealed that 2.9 million gene clusters from the ELGP overlapped with the UHGP catalog, but there was a large proportion (27.3%, n=1,076,116) from the ELGP not represented in UHGP, and the total number of proteins from 1,076,116 clusters accounted for 5.4% when taking all 86,678,654 genes into consideration, underlying the uniqueness of the gut microbiome of children. Among those protein cluster representatives exclusively from ELGP or UHGP, 27.6% (n=296,624) and 30.1% (n=3,972,835) of representatives were respectively annotated with a known function, and the rest of the clusters were either putative or hypothetical proteins (Fig.2b). Therefore, our results provide a comprehensive collection of the gut microbiome protein space early in life that may serve as a reference for early-life gut microbiome research.
a Rarefaction analysis of the number of protein clusters of early-life gut microbiome at 95% amino acid identity as a function of the number of genomes included. Curves are depicted for all the protein clusters and after excluding singleton protein clusters (containing only one protein sequence). b Overlap between the ELGP (orange) and UHGP (blue), both clustered at 95% amino acid identity. The bars at bottom indicate the number of proteins that the cluster representatives from three categories (ELGP exclusive, Overlap, and UHGP exclusive) encode, stratified as known, putative, and hypothetical proteins. c Number of proteins with functional annotation across the five functional categories and their degree of overlap. Vertical bars represent the number of proteins unique (color) to each functional category or shared (black) between the specific functional categories. Horizontal bars in the lower panel indicate the total number of proteins with functional annotation in each functional category. d Dynamics of the rate of protein characterization of ELGP along with the age of children. e COG functional annotation of the ELGP catalog clustered at 95% amino acid identity. Only functions with >5000 genes are plotted. f Dynamics of the rate of COG functional annotation of ELGP catalog clustered at 95% amino acid identity in response to the age of children. Vertical bars from left to right represent the age of children at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months. Asterisk (*) indicates the significant difference (two-tailed Wilcoxon test, FDR<0.05) between the rate of COG functional annotation of ELGP catalog at birth and 36 months old children.
To better elucidate the functional diversity of the early-life gut microbiome, we annotated gene functions of the ELGP catalog with currently available databases, including Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs), KEGG modules, level-4 Enzyme Commission categories (ECs), Gene Ontologies (GOs), and carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZy). We found that a total of 70.5% of genes from the ELGP had a match to at least one of the databases of COGs (n=2,844,021 genes across 24 functional categories), ECs (n=722,946 genes matching 2658 enzymes), KEGG (n=533,759 genes from 674 modules), GOs (n=256,861 genes from 10,461 orthologous groups), and CAZy (n=46,392 genes matching 104 families) (Fig.2c). These results showed that a median of 88.7% (IQR=85.991.0%) of genes per genome in the ELGG were annotated, and this rate was lower in genomes from children at 36 months of age (a median of 89.1% at birth vs. 86.5% at 36 months; linear model, p<0.0001) (Fig.2d). Based on the distribution of COGs functions that matched the largest number of ELGP genes, the most abundant genes with a known function present in the ELGP were involved in transcription, replication/recombination/repair, cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis, and carbohydrate transport and metabolism (Fig.2e). The most highly represented families of ECs, KEGG, and GOs were DNA helicase (EC:, M00178 (ribosome, bacteria) and biological process (GO: 0008150). The predominant glycoside hydrolase family in the ELGP catalog was GH13, targeting the hydrolysis of a wide range of simple and complex glycans including di-, oligo-, and polysaccharides as well as related substrates, such as starch, amylose, and pullulan30 (Supplementary Fig.1b). We again observed that the majority of the investigated COGs categories (11/19) were well-characterized at the first few months, and then gradually decreased as children aged (i.e., Wilcoxon test, FDR<0.05, when compared to the annotated gene per genomes at birth to that from 36 months) (Fig.2f).
To explore the number of culturable species that were included in the ELGG catalog, we clustered 32,277 MAGs together with 187,555 isolate reference genomes from NCBI RefSeq and two human gut culturing studies11,12. The species-level clusters (SGBs for species-level genome bins) were computed by using a multistep distance-based approach with at least 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) and at least 30% overlap of alignment fraction (AF) (Methods). A total of 23,307 SGBs were generated, and the MAGs from the ELGG catalog were distributed into 2172 SGBs (Fig.3; Supplementary Data3). Among the 2172 SGBs, only 774 SGBs contained isolate reference genomes (denoted as cSGBs for cultured SGBs) containing 86,283 isolate reference genomes and 29,367 MAGs. A large proportion of 99.8% (n=86,132) of 86,238 isolate reference genomes were near-complete (Supplementary Fig.2). The other 1398 SGBs contained exclusively 2910 MAGs in total (denoted uSGBs for uncultured SGBs), indicating that 64.4% of the ELGG SGBs (9% of total MAGs) lack isolate genomes (Fig.3a). When compared to the 4644 representatives of the UHGG using a distance cutoff of 0.05 (95% ANI), 13.4% of ELGG SGBs lacked a match to the UHGG. By counting the number of MAGs within each SGBs, it was observed that cSGBs represented the largest clusters, while uSGBs tended to be the rarest, with 1003 of uSGBs represented by a single genome, which was in line with the previous studies reconstructing MAGs from the environmental and host-associated microbiota15,16,22. Interestingly, cSGBs with >50% MAGs outnumbered uSGBs with 050% MAGs for clusters containing three or more genomes, underscoring the discovery power of large metagenomic cohorts (Fig.3b). The early-life human microbial phylogenetic diversity of the 2171 bacterial SGBs was increased by 38% with the uSGBs, indicating the utility of these genomes to improve the classification of sequences from the early-life microbiome (Fig.3c). The median pairwise distances of genomes within SGBs was 0.020 (IQR=0.0140.029) when including references and MAGs and 0.020 (IQR=0.0130.029) when only considering MAGs.
a Overlap of SGBs containing both MAGs and isolate reference genomes. SGBs containing MAGs and reference genomes are denoted as cultured SGBs (cSGBs), SGBs without reference genomes are denoted as uncultured SGBs (uSGBs), and those exclusively containing reference genomes are denoted as non-early-life SGBs. b The number of cSGBs and uSGBs as a function of the genome number within each SGBs. The uncultured score is calculated as the proportion of MAGs in the total genomes belonging to that SGB. c The phylogenetic tree of early-life gut microbiome built with 2171 bacterial representative genomes of the ELGG catalog. d The number of cultured taxa at different resolutions from 2172 representative genomes. e The number of MAGs in each SGBs, and only the top 40 most represented SGBs were displayed. The clinical factor (i.e., delivery mode, gestational age, and age) related to the MAGs per species are plotted.
We further taxonomically annotated each species representative using the Genome Taxonomy Database Toolkit (GTDB-Tk) based on the GTDB database consisting of >311,000 bacterial and >6000 archaeal genomes that are comprised of isolate genomes, MAGs, and single-amplified genomes. We found that the ELGG catalog covered 14 known phyla (13 for bacteria and 1 for archaea), 18 known classes (17 for bacteria and 1 for archaea), 55 known orders (54 for bacteria and 1 for archaea), and 382 known genera (381 for bacteria and 1 for archaea) (Fig.3d; Supplementary Data3). Additionally, there were still 214 uSGBs including 339 MAGs that were not classified at the species level, indicating the lack of microbial representation in the current GTDB database. The top five uSGB classified genera were Collinsella (71 uSGBs with 143 MAGs), Streptococcus (33 uSGBs with 43 MAGs), Haemophilus D (13 uSGBs with 17 MAGs), Veillonella (13 uSGBs with 14 MAGs), and Bifidobacterium (9 uSGBs with 16 MAGs). Compared to the UHGG collection that is mainly comprised of microbial genomes from adults22, the phylum Firmicutes_A (705 SGBs with 7,765 MAGs in ELGG catalog) took up the largest proportion of SGBs in both children and adult gut microbiomes, followed by Firmicutes (390 SGBs, 7102 MAGs), Actinobacteriota (359 SGBs, 6188 MAGs), Proteobacteria (336 SGBs, 5409 MAGs), and Firmicutes_C (165 SGBs, 2,007 MAGs) (Supplementary Fig.3a). All these top five phyla in children gut microbiome were represented by over 60% of uSGBs (Supplementary Fig.3b). When compared at higher taxonomic resolution, a distinct difference was observed between children and adults gut microbiota. The MAGs assembled from children gut microbiome mainly consisted of the genus Streptococcus (164 SGBs, 2112 MAGs), Collinsella (129 SGBs, 534 MAGs), Veillonella (89 SGBs, 1501 MAGs), Haemophilus D (78 SGBs, 418 MAGs), and Bifidobacterium (58 SGBs, 4,604 MAGs) (Supplementary Fig.3a); while the top genera from the UHGG catalog were Collinsella, Prevotella, Streptococcus, Bacteroides, and Alistipes.
At species level, the most represented SGBs in the ELGG catalog were Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Bifidobacterium longum, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Bifidobacterium breve, which completely differed from the genomes of the UHGG catalog (Fig.3e). We further stratified the MAGs within each species according to delivery mode [vaginal and cesarean section (C-section)], gestational age (full-term and preterm) and the age of children at sampling. The MAGs belonging to species E. faecalis, S. epidermidis, Clostridium spp., Veillonella spp., Klebsiella spp., and Streptococcus vestibularis were mainly reconstructed from children born by C-section and/or preterm children. These species are potentially pathogenic and commonly associated with the hospital environment4,31. The majority of these MAGs were derived from fecal samples collected within the first year of life, highlighting the specificity of the ELGG catalog for the early-life gut microbiome. Notably, some MAGs were not reconstructed from the first few months after birth, but obtained at a later time, such as Anaerostipes hadrus and Ruminococcus_E bromli_B.
Rarefaction analysis of the total number of SGBs as a function of the number of MAGs indicated that the species from the ELGG catalog has not approached saturation, highlighting that more species remain to be discovered in the gut microbiome of children (Supplementary Fig.3c). However, in line with the rarefaction analysis based on genomes from the UHGG catalog22, this unsaturated status was mainly attributed to rare members of the gut microbiota, as there were 1206 SGBs with only one MAG from the ELGG catalog (Supplementary Fig.3d). When only considering SGBs containing at least two conspecific MAGs, the number of species was much closer to saturation (Supplementary Fig.3c). When looking into the geographic prevalence of SGBs in each continent (i.e., Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania), the most prevalent species worldwide included E. coli, B. longum, and E. faecalis (Supplementary Fig.4). Meanwhile, there were a number of SGBs with various rates of prevalence in each continent. For example, species of Clostridium spp., Klebsiella michiganensis, Citrobacter freundii, and Clostridioides difficile were more prevalent in the samples of North America, which may be attributable to the high proportion (77%) of fecal samples collected from preterm children.
To investigate the reproducibility of SGBs from the ELGG catalog, we clustered the subset of MAGs with >50% genome completeness and <5% contamination and free of chimerism from a common set of 941 metagenomes from Bckhed et al.32 and Vatanen et al.33 that were available in another two previous human gut MAG studies (i.e., Nayfach et al.13 and Pasolli et al.15) (Supplementary Data4). Different assembly and binning approaches were applied in the three studies, i.e., Pasolli et al. assembled and binned with metaSPAdes and MetaBAT2; Nayfach et al. used MegaHIT and a combination of MaxBin2, MetaBAT2, CONCOCT and DAS Tool for assembling, binning and refinement. We observed that the pattern of MAG number produced from each sample was consistent across thethree studies, but a slight increase (Wilcoxon test, p<0.01) in the total number of MAGs was observed with our pipeline (n=5203) compared to Nayfach et al. (n=4284) and Pasolli et al. (n=4728), respectively (Supplementary Fig.5a). By calculating the proportion of shared SGBs on a per-sample basis with one other study (referred to as SGBs similarity, Methods), the median of SGBs similarity of the current study compared to the other two previous studies reached 100% for both Nayfach et al., and Pasolli et al. (Supplementary Fig.5b). In addition, conspecific MAGs reconstructed from the same samples by different studies had a median ANI and AF of 99.9% and 93.9%, respectively (95.0% AF with near-complete MAGs and 85.3% AF with medium-quality MAGs; Supplementary Fig.5c). These results suggest a high reproducibility of popular assembly and binning tools used in large-scale genome reconstructions, in line with previous comparisons22.
Bifidobacterium represents the dominant genus in the gut microbiota of children and is known as the pioneering microbial member that influences microbiota succession and the capability of the host to utilize prebiotic HMOs early in life. A depletion of Bifidobacterium or their genes for the utilization of HMOs has recently been indicated to be involved in host systemic inflammation and immune imbalance34. Based on the GTDB annotation, we greatly expanded the diversity of Bifidobacterium intraspecies diversity by a range of 4 (B. longum) to 12 (Bifidobacterium kashiwanohense) times compared to the reference genomes belonging to the top eight Bifidobacterium SGBs that contained more than 100 MAGs. The largest SGB is B. longum with 296 reference genomes and 1306 added MAGs, followed by B. breve (107 reference genomes; 830 MAGs), Bifidobacterium bifidum (91 reference genomes; 823 MAGs), and Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum (77 reference genomes; 446 MAGs) (Fig.4a). The pan-genome of each SGB is defined as the sum of the genes including core and accessory genes of all the genomes within that SGB35. The ELGG increased the size of the pan-genome per species up to a range of 5385 (Bifidobacterium dentium with 2337 exclusively from MAGs) to 10,759 (B. longum with 3522 exclusively from MAGs) that were higher than the reference genomes (Fig.4b). This may indicate the large proportion of bifidobacterial metabolic functions that have not been uncovered based on current culturing approaches. By quantifying the abundance of these genomes in the metagenomic samples, we found that the relative abundance of bifidobacterial species decreased as children aged from birth to 3 years old (Fig.4d). In addition, we found a lower level of strain heterogeneity in samples from early life (first 6 months), which may reflect the relatively simple dietary components (e.g., breastfeeding) in this period.
a The number of genomes stratified by MAGs and reference genomes. b The pan-genome plot represented by the accumulated number of genes as a function of the number of genomes stratified by MAGs and reference genomes. c The rate of functional annotation across databases of COGs, KEGG, GOs, ECs, and CAZy for each species stratified by core and accessory genes. The number in parentheses indicates the number of genes with functional annotation. d Dynamics of the relative abundance and strain heterogeneity of MAGs in response to the age of children. e The number of gene homologs matched to a well-characterized gene cluster responsible for HMOs utilization from each species. Boxes show the interquartile range (IQR), with the vertical line as the median, the whiskers indicating the range of the data (up to 1.5 IQR), and points beyond the whiskers as outliers. f The glycobiome (columns) colored by the number of genes per genome (rows) of each species annotated with the CAZy database. The log10 scaled value (after adding a pseudocount of 1105 to avoid non-finite values resulting from zero gene) is plotted.
Next, we functionally annotated the pan-genomes of each Bifidobacterium species by mapping them against the broad range of databases including COGs, KEGG, GOs, ECs, and CAZy, and found that a proportion of genes between 30.9% (for B. dentium) and 39.2% (for Bifidobacterium adolescentis) lacked a match to any database. When we stratified the genes as core and accessory, the majority of unmatched genes were accessory (only a proportion of 56.064.6% genes matched), and over 92% of core genes were annotated (Fig.4c). According to COG categories, the replication/recombination/repair, carbohydrate transport and metabolism, transcription, and amino acid transport and metabolism were the most prevalent known functions (Supplementary Fig.6a). In addition, a total of 271 KEGG modules were encoded by the eight bifidobacterial species present in the ELGG (Supplementary Fig.6b; Supplementary Data5), with the main functions relating to multiple sugar transport system (M00207), ribosomal structure (M00178), putative ABC transport system (M00258), and raffinose/stachyose/melibiose transport system (M00196), reflecting their high capabilities of carbohydrate metabolism.
As the main microbial degraders of carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract early in life, we further profiled the glycobiome of bifidobacterial species based on the CAZy profiles (Fig.4f). A total of 26 glycoside hydrolases (GH), 7 glycosyl transferases (GT), two carbohydrate-binding modules (CBM), and one carbohydrate esterase (CE) were observed across eight bifidobacterial species including reference genomes and MAGs. Notably, GH13 (followed by GT2, GT4, GH3, and GH31) were the most prevalent CAZy families within the bifidobacterial glycobiome, which has been proven to have the capacity to break down a wide range of carbohydrates dominant in the diet30. Compared to reference genomes, MAGs in the ELGG were annotated with higher and/or distinct gene families involved in carbohydrate metabolism. For instance, the MAGs from B. bifidum contain 27 CAZy families, 10 of which were not found in reference isolate genomes. The CAZy families present in MAGs but absent from reference isolate genomes included GH3, GH5, GH9, GH43, GH127, GH38, CE10, GH8, CBM6, and GH94. Considering breastfeeding during infancy, we further explored the functional potential of the MAGs in terms of HMO utilization by investigating the presence of gene cluster described as involved in HMO transport and degradation in B. infantis (ATCC 15967). MAGs from B. longum subspecies clade, B. infantis, carried a high number of HMO homologs, (236 out of 261 MAGs had at least 15 homologs, accounting for 50% of the HMO gene cluster) (Fig.4e), while only two MAGs from B. longum carried gene cluster related to HMO metabolism, indicating the distinct capacity in HMO utilization of bifidobacterial species. When comparing the relative abundance of B. infantis with other B. longum genomes, a higher (Wilcoxon test, p<0.0001) abundance of B. infantis was observed in all continents except for Oceania (Supplementary Fig.6c), indicating the competitive advantage of B. infantis strains in early life that may be conferred by the presence of HMO gene cluster.
To assess how representative the ELGG is as a genomic reference for metagenomes from the human gut in early life, we compared the mapping rate of 353 child fecal samples aged within the first 3 years against the ELGG catalog and another two large-scale reference collections, i.e., CIBIO (n=4930)15 and UHGG (n=4644)22. Using Bowtie2, we obtained a median mapping rate of 82.8% (IQR=72.788.8%) with the ELGG catalog. This level of classification was higher than that obtained with the CIBIO and UHGG catalogs [69.5% (IQR=61.176.4%) and 71.2% (IQR=62.177.8%) respectively; Wilcoxon test, p<0.0001] (Supplementary Fig.7a; Supplementary Data6). Additional evidence to support the specificity of the ELGG for classification of the early-life gut microbiome was the slightly lower mapping rate [a median of 66.7% (IQR=60.273.2%, ELGG) compared to 72.1% (IQR=69.275.0%, CIBIO) and 73.2% (IQR=69.575.5%, UHGG); Wilcoxon test, p<0.0001] when aligning metagenomic sequencing reads from the adult fecal samples (n=510) against each catalog (Supplementary Fig.7b; Supplementary Data6).
Children born by C-section display a significantly distinct gut microbial acquisition and development in the first few years compared to children born vaginally4,6, and several studies have attempted to restore the gut microbiota by probiotic supplements36, vaginal swabbing37, or fecal microbiota transplantation38 due to this disordered microbiome being positively linked with various diseases later in life39. We, therefore, leveraged the ELGG catalog together with the available metadata to address the taxonomic and functional differences associated with C-section at a genome level. A total of 18,836 and 13,412 MAGs were obtained from vaginally (n=3299 samples) and C-section (n=2612 samples) born children, respectively, with 1 to 38 MAGs per sample (meanSD: 5.714.18) for the former and 1 to 27 MAGs per sample for the latter (5.133.37) (Wilcoxon test, p<0.0001). When adjusting by the sequencing depth, the number of MAGs per million paired reads differed (0.320.35 for vaginal and 0.370.24 for C-section; Wilcoxon test, p<0.001) (Supplementary Fig.8a). The majority of MAGs for either delivery mode were annotated as phyla of Firmicutes/_A/_C, Actinobacteriota, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidota, and Verrucomicrobiota (Supplementary Fig.8b). When stratified by childrens age, the prevalence of the genera Bacteroides/Phocaeicola and Parabacteroides belonging to the Bacteroidota phylum present in C-section born children were at lower levels (Wilcoxon test blocked by children age, p<0.05), while the genera Veillonella and Klebsiella were higher (Wilcoxon test blocked by children age, p=0.035 and p=0.056, respectively) than those born vaginally, in particular in the first few months of life (Fig.5a). This observation confirms and expands the previous results obtained with the read-based analysis4,40.
a Prevalence of 16 bacterial genera in children stratified by delivery mode over time, where each genus was colored by its phylum. Only genera with >10% prevalence in children born by any of delivery modes are plotted. b The explained variance (R2) contributed by delivery mode of 46 species that were significantly (PERMANOVA, FDR<0.05) associated with delivery mode based on the hamming distance of core genes per species. The number in parentheses indicate the number of MAGs of this species. c The number of genes that were prevalent in C-section born children or vaginally born children (>70% in C-section born children and <30% in vaginally born children, and vice versa) for each species and their associated functions annotated by COGs database. d The density of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) richness in each genome of ELGG, and the taxonomic assignment of the genomes at genus (left inset) and species (right inset) level. e The dynamics of ARGs richness from the early-life human gut microbiome in response to the age of children. The gut microbiome from children born byC-section carried higher (two-tailed Wilcoxon test, p<0.05, inset) number of ARGs than that of children born vaginally. The inset boxes show the interquartile range (IQR), with the horizonal line as the median, the whiskers indicating the range of the data (up to 1.5 IQR), and points beyond the whiskers as outliers.
Beyond the observed differential taxa, the reconstructed genomes enabled us to explore the intraspecies genetic and genomic diversity of the gut microbiome associated with delivery mode in early life. Only SGBs with at least 10 conspecific near-complete genomes (>90% completeness and <5% contamination) from both vaginal and C-section born children were considered in this part of the analysis. A total of 116 species were retained, covering the phyla Firmicutes/_A/_C (n=30/34/7), Proteobacteria (n=20), Actinobacteriota (n=16), Bacteroidota (n=7), and Verrucomicrobiota (n=2), totaling 20,816 genomes (82% of all near-complete genomes of ELGG) (Supplementary Data7). When looking into the intraspecies genomic diversity, the average pairwise genetic distances of core genes for each SGB was below 5% (typically used as a threshold to define bacterial species) (Supplementary Data7). When setting the threshold of ANI at a higher level based on whole genomes, a number of subspecies from 1 to 88 and a range of 2 to 596 were obtained at a cutoff of 97% and 99%, respectively, suggesting the existence of diverse subspecies populations (Supplementary Data7). We further sought to determine to what extent delivery mode contributed to these variances. The intraspecies variation within the core genomes of 46 species, and the genomic distances (based on gene presence/absence) of 64 species were significantly (PERMANOVA, FDR<0.05) influenced by delivery mode with effect size up to 18.4% and 17.3%, respectively (Fig.5b; Supplementary Fig.8c). Notably, Streptococcus agalactiae also known as group B streptococci was highly sensitive to genetically associate with delivery mode.
The pan-genome size of the 116 species here analyzed ranged from 1788 (Negativicoccus succinicivorans, n=58 genomes) to 25,698 (Phocaeicola dorei, n=677 genomes) (Supplementary Data7). A total of 31,976 unique genes across 116 species were observed with varying levels of prevalence among genomes from children born vaginally or via C-section. Functions encoded by the genes prevalent (>70%) in C-section born children but not children born vaginally (<30%) were mainly involved in carbohydrate transport/metabolism, cell motility, transcription, and cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis (Fig.5c). The majority of differentially prevalent genes were not related to HMO degradation and utilization as only 4738 unique genes (out of 31,976) were matched with a HMO gene cluster from strain B.infantis ATCC 15697.
Mothers who give birth by C-section usually undergo antibiotic treatment, which may result in different antibiotic resistance profiles reflected in the gut microbiome of children. We thus functionally annotated the genomes with antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) based on the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD). The average ARG richness per genome from C-section born children was higher (Wilcoxon test, p<0.0001) than that of vaginally born children (11.6 vs. 10.0 type of ARGs), however, both distributions of ARG richness of genomes from either delivery mode were clearly trimodal (Fig.5d), with a larger peak at only one ARG, and the other two smaller peaks at 31 and 50 genes, respectively. The origins of ARGs within each peak differed among children born by different delivery modes. In the second peak, genera Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Citrobacter were the main contributors in children born by C-section; while the third peak was mainly contributed by E. coli that was more prevalent in vaginally born children. Apart from E. coli, 73 MAGs from Pseudomonas aeruginosa were found to carry higher (Wilcoxon test, p<0.0001) richness of ARGs (58.81.38) than E. coli (50.22.27). Among these 73 MAGs, 68 were reconstructed from preterm children within the first 6 months (62 genomes within the first month). As children aged, the richness of ARGs in the gut microbiome generally decreased, from an average of 42.6 at one month to 6.8 ARGs at over 36 months old (Fig.5e). Notably, the richness of ARGs present in the gut microbiomes of children born by C-section was overall higher than that of vaginally born children (an average of 36.9 vs. 32.5 AGRs; Wilcoxon test, p<0.0001). When comparing the genomes within the same species from children born differently in terms of ARG richness, 15 species showed differential ARG richness, and 12 species contained higher numbers (Wilcoxon test, p<0.05) of ARGs in C-section born children than those born vaginally, while three species (Pauljensenia radingae_A, Clostridium paraputrificum, and Clostridium_P perfringens) exhibited opposite patterns (Supplementary Fig.8d). The most common mechanisms of antibiotic resistance discovered in the 20,816 genomes included antibiotic efflux, antibiotic target alteration, and antibiotic inactivation (Supplementary Fig.8e).
The comprehensive catalog of the early-life microbiome enabled us to explore the taxonomic and functional differences between the children and adult gut microbiomes at a genome level. We thus compared the five most represented genera in children (3 years) and adults (18 years) (i.e., Alistipes, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Prevotella, Streptococcus, Veillonella) based on ELGG and UHGG catalogs22, totaling 12 species with >60 near-complete genomes (>90% completeness and <5% contamination). The pan-genome size was positively associated with the number of included genomes, but none of the species reached a plateau, even Bacteroides uniformis with the highest number of genomes (n=1087) containing 32,215 genes in adults. Species of Streptococcus thermophilus had the lowest pan-genome size with 2572 for adults and 2639 for children from 143 and 136 genomes, respectively (Fig.6a). This suggests additional genomes from each species remain to be discovered across populations. In the genus Bacteroides, genomes from adults contained a higher number of unique genes than those from children when considering the same number of genomes (Wilcoxon test, FDR<0.05). In contrast, gene numbers of Alistipes onderdonkii, B. adolescentis, B. longum, B. pseudocatenulatum, and Streptococcus salivarius were higher (Wilcoxon test, FDR<0.05) in children (Fig.6b; Supplementary Fig.9).
a Number of genomes (bar plot) and pan-genome size of each species from children and adults. b Pan-genome plot represented by the accumulated number of genes against the number of genomes of B. ovatus and B. pesudocatenulatum stratified by children and adults (two-tailed Wilcoxon test, *FDR<0.05). c The explained variance (R2) contributed by age (children and adults) based on the hamming distance of core genes per species and Jaccard distance of presence/absence genes (two-tailed Wilcoxon test, *FDR<0.05). d The unique functional annotations belonging to either children or adults categorized by databases of COGs, KEGG, GOs, ECs, and CAZy.
Notably, when looking into gene diversity (estimated by the Jaccard distance based on the presence/absence of genes per genome), genomes from adults showed higher (Wilcoxon test, FDR<0.05) gene diversity on average than that of children for 5 out of 12 species, including Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides ovatus, B. bifidum, S. salivarius, and S. thermophilus (Supplementary Fig.10a). These results indicate that genomes within these species in early life are more conserved, and more specific genes are acquired by the microorganisms later in life. On the contrary, the enriched species B. longum showed higher (FDR<0.05) gene diversity than that of adults. We also explored the effect size and significance of age (3 years for children and 18 years for adults) on the gene diversity of each species. The results showed the distinct contribution of age (PERMANOVA, FDR<0.05) to the genetic variation of species between children and adults. S. salivarius (R2=0.047 for hamming distance and R2=0.037 for Jaccard distance), B. pseudocatenulatum (R2=0.032; R2=0.039), and S. thermophilus (R2=0.027; R2=0.040) were the species most significantly associated with age (Fig.6c).
Based on the multiple functional annotation schemes as ELGP, the pan-genome of species showed comparable rates of gene annotations between children and adults, but differed across species, namely, B. adolescentis with the lowest rates of 62.4% and 64.6% for children and adults respectively, and S. thermophilus with the highest respective rates of 84.6% and 85.3% for children and adults (Supplementary Fig.10b). Based on the CAZy annotation of the pan-genomes, we found that gut microorganisms from children harbored a higher (Wilcoxon test, FDR<0.05) number of specific CAZy families, most notably GH13, GT4, GT2, GH43, and GH3 (Supplementary Fig.10c). Additionally, we sought to determine the functions that were unique to either children or adults. We found a large number of EC families among species (n=138 in children and 057 in adults), KEGG modules (n=023 in children and 013 in adults), CAZy families (n=04 in children and 07 in adults), COGs (n=01 for both children and adults) and GOs categories (n=861 in children and 057 adults) to be specific to either children or adults (Fig.6d; Supplementary Data8). Within EC families of B. bifidum, the enzymes of GlfT2 (EC; n=27 genomes), asparagine synthase (EC; 17 genomes), and D-xylulose reductase (EC; 12 genomes) were the most prevalent in children; and the top families of CAZy from children included GH127 (5 genomes), GH94 (4 genomes), and CBM6 (1 genomes). Within EC families of B. uniformis, the enzymes of dTDP-6-deoxy-L-talose 4-dehydrogenase (EC; 13 genomes), thiamine kinase (EC; 13 genomes), and histidine decarboxylase (EC; 13 genomes) were the most prevalent in adults; and the top families of CAZy from adults included PL4 (7 genomes), PL11 (3 genomes), AA10 (2 genomes), and CBM73 (2 genomes).
Continued here:
A compendium of 32,277 metagenome-assembled genomes and over 80 million genes from the early-life human gut microbiome -
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