Genetic Engineering for Human Enhancement.mp4 – Video

Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:58 pm

15-12-2011 15:18 Leading physicist and futurist, Michio Kaku hosts a look at Genetic Engineering for animal and human cloning, then turns to the question of human enhancement. In my view, pre-implantation genetic screening and non-specializing genetic enhancement of general traits do not threaten human personhood in the way that designer germ-line engineering, cloning, or the hybridization of human and animal genes do. Regulation is required to prevent instrumentalization of humans, but there is no sound case against enhancement of intelligence, immune system, strength, lifespan, and other general characteristics that do not specialize one person in a different way from another.

See the article here:

Genetic Engineering for Human Enhancement.mp4 - Video

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