Gene Therapy Clinical Trials Worldwide

Posted: December 20, 2013 at 4:43 pm

Welcome to The Journal of Gene Medicine Clinical Trial site, the most comprehensive source of information on worldwide gene therapy clinical trials available on the internet.

From this page you may access the following:

Charts and Tables

Charts and tables showing the number of approved, ongoing or completed clinical trials worldwide. Data is available for:

Interactive Database

A database with detailed information on individual trials. Data search is available for:

The data were compiled and are regularly updated from official agency sources (RAC, GTAC etc..), the published literature, presentations at conferences and from information kindly provided by investigators or trial sponsors themselves.

Information on the trials performed in the United States is derived directly from the OBA/RAC website. Elsewhere, the information is not so readily available. and in some countries regulatory agencies simply do not disclose any information.

Consequently, information on some trials is incomplete. We have adopted as standard procedure the inclusion of all trials where the country and disease addressed is known, even if no other details are available. While it is not entirely satisfactory to have information missing on the type of gene used and the vector etc..., it does have the advantage of providing a more accurate overview of the real number of trials and where they are being performed.

Your input is valuable in assisting us to provide a comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date information service to the gene therapy community. If you are sponsoring or conducting a trial, or if the information on your trial is incomplete, please contact us at

Excerpt from:
Gene Therapy Clinical Trials Worldwide

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