The Conversation: The Future After the Coronavirus Crisis – Hawaiipublicradio

Posted: April 30, 2020 at 7:49 pm

A University of Hawaii Futurist Studies professor discusses navigating out of the COVID-19 crisis, how going to a bar or restaurant may change after the crisis in Honolulu Civil Beat's Reality Check, Hawaii's Banking Commissioner names resources for financial assistance for businesses and consumers, and a local author explains how to deal with isolation during the Governor's stay-at-home order.

Jim Dator, Professor Emeritus at the University of Hawaii's Futurust Studies doesn't have a crystal ball to predict the future, but he does give a glimpst into how the State could get through the coronavirus pandemic and come out better on the other side.

Jim Dator, Professor and Director of Hawaii Research Center for Future Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Many local eateries have been closed since March. Will going into a bar or restaurant be the same if the COVID-19 crisis eases? Honolulu Civil Beat's Politics and Opinion Editor Chad Blair joined us for a Reality Check.

Click here to read the full story by Stewart Yerton on the Honolulu Civil Beat website

Chad Blair, Politics and Opinion Editor, Honolulu Civil Beat

Hawaii's banks and financial institutions are still open to help its customers, both individuals and businesses, get through the coronavirus crisis. Hawaii Commissioner of Financial Institutions Iris Ikeda spoke to The Conversation's Jason Ubay about financial assistance for local businesses and consumers.

Iris Ikeda, State of Hawaii Commissioner of Financial Institutions / Jason Ubay, Producer, The Conversation

Acedia is the ancient word that describes how monks struggle with isolation. Author and poet Kathleen Norris discusses how, during the current stay-at-home order, it can also describe how many are feeling now.

Kathleen Norris, Author and Poet

Continued here:
The Conversation: The Future After the Coronavirus Crisis - Hawaiipublicradio

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