More Employees Are Saying That Tesla’s Factory Is Horrifically Racist – Futurism

Posted: March 27, 2022 at 9:47 pm

"They didnt want a Black face up there."Company Culture

It really sounds like Tesla isnt treating all its employees equally. A new report published yesterday includes testimony from employees who say they were called racial slurs and later fired simply because they asked for respect in the workplace.

One single mother said she was excited to work for Tesla but was fired because she made a complaint about Black workers being call the N-word on the assembly line. According to the report originally published in the LA Times, other employees were also called racial slurs and insults and penalized for telling management.

The insults werent only verbal. The companys culture affected workers work loads and responsibilities, according to employees who called the California plant they work in modern day slavery.

I was a skinny 115 pounds, former Tesla employee and 32-year-old single mom Monica Chatman said during an interview with the LA Times about being overworked as a Black employee at Tesla . I said, Youre telling me to do a four-man job by myself? Her words were: Do the job or lose your job.'

Chatman also said Tesla management didnt want workers of color to be super visible when billionaire Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk dropped in.

They didnt want a Black face up there, Chatman said.

Of course, Tesla denied these allegations despite an ongoinglawsuit filed on behalf of workers.

Race plays no role in any of Teslas work assignments, promotions, pay or discipline, attorneys for the company said in a statement made to the Times. Tesla prohibits discrimination.

Sure, sure, Tesla those things never happened. Just like Elon Musk didntmean to invoke Hitler and certainly didntmean to mock transgender folks. Just like Apple doesnt pretend to be police officers and bang on former employees doors, and just like Amazon isnt also known for literally working employees to death.

Those things definitely, certainly arent happening at least not if you talk to the lawyers, attorneys, HR representatives, communications directors and spokespeople who say so.

The problem is with both racist individuals in the tech industry and those who ignore racism in the tech industry. If youre not actively anti-racist, well which category do you you fall into?

Listening to your cubicle neighbor, subordinate, higher up or colleague about issues they experience costs absolutely nothing. For the colleague denied a safer and more dignified work place, your inaction could cost them everything.

More on Tesla disinformation: Elon Musk Says Tesla Doesnt Make Political Contributions Even Though It Absolutely Does

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See original here:
More Employees Are Saying That Tesla's Factory Is Horrifically Racist - Futurism

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