Association of Professional Futurists – Home

Posted: May 16, 2016 at 7:40 am

28 March 2016: The APF moved its public site to For now, this URL will remain the address of this earlier site but eventually will direct you to the new site. Most of the public pages are now closed on this website, which will remain for members' only (with a new URL). If you are a member, and need to access the Community Pages (Compass, Board Meeting Minutes, Private Members' directory, etc), renew your membership or update your profile or privacy settings, you will continue to sign on in the lower left hand corner of this page as usual. On the new site, use the "Member Access" link on the left hand navigation to access these public pages. These public pages will be available for a transition period at For members, the Community pages, profile, and membership data will remain here after the transition. You may access it directly or through the new site via the "Community" link on the left hand column (sign-in required). THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE DURING THE TRANSITION. If you have any questions, please let us know:

For members: please see further instructions about the new website on the Community page (navigation at left, sign-in required).

The Association of Professional Futurists is a global community of professional futurists committed to leadership and excellence in the futures field. Our members provide unique perspectives to help people anticipate and influence the future.

The APF aims to set the standard of excellence for foresight professionals. Members include futurists from businesses, governments and non-profits, consulting futurists, educators, and students in futures studies.

We meet regularly, host active electronic discussions among practitioners, provide professional development programs, recognize excellence in futures works, and offer a rich body of ideas and information about the future for the public.

We invite you to browse the site to find out more about what we do. If you are interested in joining, visit theMembershippage where you can apply online.Here's abrief brochureabout the APF andone for students.And, if you have any questions, please doget in touch.

Follow this link:
Association of Professional Futurists - Home

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