The Possible Reality of Artificial Gravity –

Posted: July 12, 2016 at 6:16 am

In Brief

The prospect of artificial gravity on space stations is actually possible, but highly expensive and resource-demanding

Working to make astronauts lives easier and less health damaging is a pretty big goal for NASA. The real problem is actually limiting the effects of zero gravity on the human body. Science Fiction has posited the solution of artificial gravity. However,as this video shows, that is no easy feat.

Artificial gravity couldcertainly be a possibilitywith current technology.Sadly, we are limited by the expense and availability of materials.Through the use of centrifugal force, a spinning space station would be able to generate artificial gravity. However, it would have to be spinning at a very fast rate. Alternatively, itd have tobe big enough to not need speed. The trade-off is between being too big to build or spinning too rapidlyto be practical.

Building something as huge as science fiction models would certainly cost. Building the eponymous space stationsfrom the 2013 filmElysiumwould require500,000 people contributing $10 million each. Even more, aluminum would have to be mined from asteroids as Earths supply would not beenough.

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The Possible Reality of Artificial Gravity -

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