Ask Slashdot: What Essays and Short Stories Should Be In a Course On Futurism?

Posted: February 26, 2014 at 4:40 pm

57074803 story Posted by Soulskill on Wednesday February 26, 2014 @05:10AM from the i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream dept. Ellen Spertus writes "I'll be teaching an interdisciplinary college course on how technology is changing the world and how students can influence that change. In addition to teaching the students how to create apps, I'd like for us to read and discuss short stories and essays about how the future (next 40 years) might play out. For example, we'll read excerpts from David Brin's Transparent Society and Ray Kurzweil's The Singularity is Near. I'm also considering excerpts of Cory Doctorow's Homeland and Neal Stephenson's Diamond Age. What other suggestions do Slashdotters have?" You may like to read: Post

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Ask Slashdot: What Essays and Short Stories Should Be In a Course On Futurism?

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