A Company Has Finally Said They Will Bring Real Wireless Charging – Futurism

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 5:46 pm

In Brief

Tech start-up Yank Tech, named after its founder Josh Yank, wants to deliver the first wireless charger that can REALLY wirelessly charge your device. The company set up an Indiegogo campaign to fund their endeavor, and has already far exceeded their$25,000 goal.

The MotherBoxpromises to provide wireless charging of your Android or iOS devices at a rate of two to ten watts, depending on the devices distance from the MotherBox. The device itself looks like a mini soccer ball, and does need to remain plugged in. The company is also offering a smaller battery-operated version that does not need constant power. Also, your device must be fitted with a receiver via its USB charging port.

While the product does have its limitations, this could be the first step in widespread wireless charging for devices. As more devices are joining the Internet of Things, and connecting us in unprecedented ways, traditional wires and plugs are not going to be enough to power the sheer number of devices.

You can reserve your MotherBox via the Indiegogo campaign today, taking advantage of an extended early bird special for $79. The first shipments are scheduled to begin in September of this year.

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A Company Has Finally Said They Will Bring Real Wireless Charging - Futurism

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