Priority Health: Eczema

Posted: September 28, 2012 at 12:11 am

Gloria says, I had eczema as a child, then it went away and now I am a senior and it is back. What do you do for it?

Unfortunately, Gloria, not a lot has changed in the treatment for eczema since you we're a child. Eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes dry itchy patches usually around the elbows and knees, but in reality, it can be found almost anywhere you have skin. It was originally thought to be related to asthma or hay fever (allergies) but now we really don't think so. It is probably an immune problem, with something in the environment acting as a trigger. It usually comes and goes, and can start as an infant, persist through adolescence, and disappear for years only then to reappear and start all over again.


Since this is a chronic condition, treatment is mainly to reduce the symptoms. You can expect "flares", especially when under stress, throughout your lifetime.

Treatment options:

The immunomodulators are really the only new type of treatment available. They have been found to be effective, but have some significant side effects if used for extended periods of time. They are recommended for only short duration. As with anything chronic, there are always triggers that make the symptoms worse. Avoiding the triggers is often the best treatment.


As you can see, the triggers are everywhere! BUT, not everyone has the same triggers, so look for the ones that are specific for you. If you can avoid the problem, there is no need for any expensive or strong treatment with side effects! Stay Healthy My Friends!

Read this article:
Priority Health: Eczema

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