One surprising effect of wildfires: itchy, irritated skin – Harvard Health

Posted: June 24, 2024 at 4:52 pm

Are you finding yourself with itchy, irritated skin that you can't stop scratching? Or have you wondered why your child's eczema is suddenly worse and so hard to control? Mounting evidence suggests that wildfires, which are increasing in intensity and frequency, contribute to skin problems, including eczema flares.

Eczema is a common chronic skin condition that affects about one in 10 people in the US. Its hallmarks are inflamed and dry, itchy patches of skin.

Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. It can run in families, often beginning in childhood. Typically, in the northern hemisphere, it grows worse during the winter season when the weather is cold and drying. Now some experts are seeing that pattern change. At Massachusetts General Hospital, for example, one dermatologist noted an unusual spike last summer in patients with flare-ups of eczema.

In 2023, Canada experienced more than 6,000 wildfires that burned over 16 million hectares of land an area larger than the entire state of Georgia. While far away from the devastation, the smoke reached across the US and more than 2,000 miles to Europe. Poor air quality from these distant wildfires caused eye and throat irritation and difficulty breathing.

In Boston, Dr. Arianne Shadi Kourosh, a dermatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, also began to notice skin symptoms. Normally the dermatology clinics would see fewer than 20 people during a summer month for eczema, including atopic dermatitis. Suddenly that jumped to 160.

Looking back at summer month records from the last four years, her research showed that the number of visits for these skin complaints tracked with the severity of air pollution. These findings are consistent with other research noting an uptick in eczema flares and psoriasis flares associated with wildfire pollution. But why?

Researchers theorize that airborne pollutants might set off a cascade of effects within the body by activating an oxidative stress pathway. This damages the skin barrier and prompts an inflammatory response. This cascade also may play a role in the development of eczema.

Air pollutants in wildfire smoke may harm multiple organs not just your heart and lungs, but also our skin, it seems. So, when outdoor air quality is bad due to wildfires, limiting your exposure can help reduce health risks. While we can say the same for industrial air pollution, wildfire pollution is likely worse due to its additional toxic particles.

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One surprising effect of wildfires: itchy, irritated skin - Harvard Health

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