Not All Fruits and Veggies Are Eczema-Friendly (The 4 …

Posted: January 4, 2017 at 5:47 pm

Not all fruits and veggies are good the eczema body.

Eat more fruits and veggies because they are super healthy!

You need vitamins from fruits and fiber from veggies!

As cliches go, it sounds like these plant foods are mandatory in our lives or else we will die, or at least, be in poor health.

However, speaking in the perspective of an eczema sufferer, not all fruits and vegetables are created equal not all of them are eczema-friendly.

As an eczema sufferer, we need to avoid certain fruits and veggies.

In this article, Ill list them out and explain why, even though plant foods are nutritious and beneficial in many ways, they are disadvantageous to eczema patients overall.

This article is not designed to defame fruits and vegetables. Fruits and veggies are indeed high in different types of nutritional values and are extremely good for the human body, but not every body responds the same way, so each individual needs to adapt to his/her body needs.

When I mean certain plants are NOT friendly to eczema sufferers, its just the consequences of eating them to an eczema body overrides the nutritional benefits of eating them.

In essence, we need to find out our bodys list of accepted foods and also, to avoid specifically to eczema-unfriendly plant foods.

Nightshades is the family of foods: potatoes (but not sweet potatoes and I highly encourage you to eat them regularly), tomatoes, tobacco, red and green peppers, paprika, eggplants (these are the common ones).

Nightshades naturally contain a group of chemicals called alkaloids.

Plants produce alkaloids as a regular part of their biochemical activity, and these alkaloids are primarily designed to help protect the plants from insects that would otherwise eat them.

And these plant protective mechanisms when ingested just hinder our recovery. For a meaty explanation, read this article.

Some of these foods may be a staple food in your diet, but you can always find substitutes. For nightshades, you can switch for:

Sarah, who runs Vegetalion, with nightshade allergies, wrote four great articles on finding alternatives:

A common problem today is that many people consume way too much sugar.

But assuming that you have no intake of any man-made snacks and drinks. It is still possible to consume a lot of sugar with natural foods.

Vegetables are not a problem, the highest sugar content of veggies are potatoes (which you dont have to care), carrots and beets. But the sugar content of veggies is too low for you to need to reduce intake. So dont worry too much about this.

The reason why sugar intake needs to be limited is because the more sugar you ingest, the more food you give to harmful micro-organisms to feed on in your gut. Yeasts, especially, live on sugar.

As for fruits, avoid these high sugary fruits: tangerines, oranges, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, guavas, lychees, figs, bananas and especially dried fruit.

Instead, choose low sugar fruits: lemon, lime, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, papayas, watermelon and most others are okay. Just avoid the ones mentioned above.

For a more details, go check out Fruits And Vegetable : List of Low and High Sugar Fruit and Vegetable.

The Dirty Dozen is the official term coined by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) that refers to the annual top 12 plants contaminated most heavily by pesticides.

Dirty Dozen: top 12 most contaminated plants are:

New extras: Kale/collard greens and Summer squash.

Clean 15: the top 15 least likely to be contaminated are:

Check out the EWGs 2013 Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce for the official lists.

The reason why Im telling you this is to warn you that when you consume one of the Dirty Dozen (you dont have to completely avoid it), you should cook it long enough, soak it in water overnight, or even peel off the skin to eliminate the residue of pesticides, so you dont end up suffering from the chemicals more than the nutrients you get from the food.

Acidifying refer to foods that leave an acidifying effect in the body after digestion, not its pH value upon tasting.

For a person with eczema, we should aim for a 80-20 balance where 80% of our food is alkalizing and 20% acidifying. Essentially, that means mainly veggies and less meats.

You should be aware that many fruits are actually acidifying. Fruits are great but shouldnt be consumed in mass.

Common strongly acidifying foods include:

Instead, indulge yourself in strongly alkalizing foods:

There are other categories: acidifying, alkalizing, strongly alkalizing; this is only a small list.

Read more on Acid-Alkaline Food Charts (also usable as a grocery shopping list).

You now know what NOT to eat, so what should you be eating?

Here are 10 choices that are highly specifically beneficial to improve skin conditions:

Sweet potatoes are one of the best foods in the world. I eat several daily.

Fermented foods.

Fruits are not normally fermented veggies are the main target e.g. kimchi, pickled veggies, sauerkraut and more. Any plants can be fermented.

Fermented foods are extremely good for people with eczema because fermented foods contain live cultures beneficial micro-organisms that help digestion and the removal of toxins in the gut, which is crucial for healing up eczema.

Ive personally made my own kimchi before, and wrote a guide about it, added with other fermentation resources.

Check it out: How To Make Fermented Kimchi (For Fresh Gut Bacteria)

In brevity, avoid the four evil categories as mentioned above:

Again, if a particular fruit or vegetable gives you a sensitivity, you know what not to eat. This differs with everyone. For me, I have a sensitivity to papayas, green capsicums and kiwis (as far as I know) the skin area my mouth turns red.

Originally posted here:
Not All Fruits and Veggies Are Eczema-Friendly (The 4 ...

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